memory master said:A good line-up there. Mostly local groups. Elegants are from Staten Island, Toys are from St. Albans, Tokens originally from Queens back in the day. How was the show Chief?
The Tokens were actually from Brooklyn,NY They met in Lincoln HS and started the group originally known as the Linc-Tones. Neil Sedaka was in the group, and their name was changed to The Tokens.Sedaka left and Hank Medress brought in Darrell & The Oxfords which Jay Seigle was the lead tenor and the Tokens with all the hits were this group. If you get a chance to hear "Picture In My Wallet" by Darrell & the Oxfords give it a listen I still have the 45. There was another group of Tokens that was a Black group from Wueens but not the group with Sedaka. I hope this clears it up Jack O'