Understanding NYC addresses

Jun 27, 2007
Is there a way to understand NYC addresses. For example the address for Engine 65 is 33 West 43rd Street. Is there a grid system involved in this like Chicago has? State is E/W and Madison is N/S. Remember you are talking to someone who buffed Boston and there are 5 Washington Streets, each with its own numbering system starting from "0" in different parts of the city. Need to know the Box #! Thanxs!
In Manhattan, generally for the few numbered streets below the beginning of 5 Avenue, Broadway is the divider between east and west. Then going north as the street numbers get higher, 5 Avenue is the divider.
Further north in the Bronx, Jerome Avenue divides east and west.
The numbered avenues begin on the east side of Manhattan and get higher as you go west. I think except for the Edgewater neighborhood, 3 Avenue is the only numbered avenue in the Bronx.
In Queens, generally starting in the northwest part, the Avenues, Drives, and Roads run east and west and get higher as you go south.
The Streets, Lanes, and Places run north and south and get higher as you go east.
Much of Brooklyn and a part of Staten Island have numbered streets, but your best bet is to use Google Maps or some other navigational reference there and in all the boroughs.
In Manhattan, generally for the few numbered streets below the beginning of 5 Avenue, Broadway is the divider between east and west. Then going north as the street numbers get higher, 5 Avenue is the divider.
Further north in the Bronx, Jerome Avenue divides east and west.
The numbered avenues begin on the east side of Manhattan and get higher as you go west. I think except for the Edgewater neighborhood, 3 Avenue is the only numbered avenue in the Bronx.
In Queens, generally starting in the northwest part, the Avenues, Drives, and Roads run east and west and get higher as you go south.
The Streets, Lanes, and Places run north and south and get higher as you go east.
Much of Brooklyn and a part of Staten Island have numbered streets, but your best bet is to use Google Maps or some other navigational reference there and in all the boroughs.
Didn’t know that about queens!
Grump, I'm not sure there is a way to understand NYC addresses. Each borough has its own "system", but there are so many exceptions that writing them down in a book would yield a tome larger than War and Piece . . . for each borough.

Example: The general rule in Manhattan is that streets run east-west, and avenues run north-south. But Lafayette Street, Centre Street, Wooster Street and others are north-south. These three along with others are in lower Manhattan, where the streets are holdovers from the Nieuw Amsterdam of the 17th century (i.e. cow paths). The dividing line between east and west streets is 5th Avenue . . . except where it's not. South of Washington Square (where 5th Ave. begins), the dividing line between east and west streets is either Bowery or Broadway . . . again, except where it's not. Confused? Join the club. But Manhattan can't hold a candle to Queens:

In Queens, you'll find a lot of numbers in many addresses, for example 101-50 98th Street, Jamaica. The 101 means it's between 101st Ave. and 103d Ave. (in that part of Queens, there is no 102d Ave.). The 50 is the house number, and logically enough, it's on 98th Street. You don't want to know about the "Lanes and Places" other than (in my opinion) they were named that for the sole purpose of confusing everyone. Suffice it to say that if the address is 101-50 169th Place, its approximately one block from 101050 169th Street. Then there are the numbered "Roads", the named streets and avenues, and assorted other ways to make it difficult to figure out where you're supposed to be going.

I've tried to make this a tongue in cheek reply to you . . . but I agree 100% with t123ken . . . use Google maps.
Queens always confuses me in that they are the only borough that includes the particular are in their addresses
Sunnyside NY
Corona NY
Maspeth NY
Then theres Greenwich Village, an enigma there, where West 4th Street crossed West 10th Street. How'd you like to be a ladder chauffeur there??
We used to respond to Myrtle and Central Avenues in Bushwick, Brooklyn and Myrtle and Central Avenues in Glendale, Queens.
They were a few miles apart. Two different Central Avenues!!
To add to the confusion:
Manhattan street addresses follow an algorithm that allows anyone with rudimentary math skills and the following charts to find the nearest cross street for a house number on an avenue.
Take the number of the street address, drop the last digit, divide by two (essentially dividing the address by 20 but accounting for odd numbers), and add or subtract the number in the chart. For example, 945 Madison Avenue (Whitney Museum of American Art, by the way) would yield the following equation:

945 / 2 = 47 + 27 (from the chart below) = 74th Street.
*The entrance is actually closer to 75th Street, but the museum takes up the whole block so it is just as close to 74th Street.

Avenues A, B, C, D: add 3
1st Avenue: add 3
2nd Avenue: add 3
3rd Avenue: add 10
4th Avenue: add 8
5th Avenue

63 - 108: add 11
109 - 200: add 13
201 - 400: add 16
401 - 600: add 18
601 - 775: add 20
776 - 1286: divide by 10 (instead of 20), subtract 18
1287-1500: add 45
1501 - 2000: add 24
Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue): subtract 12
7th Avenue
1 - 1800: add 12
1801 and up: add 20
8th Avenue: add 9
9th Avenue: add 13
10th Avenue: add 14
11th Avenue: add 15
Amsterdam Avenue: add 59
Audubon Avenue: add 165
1-754: unnumbered streets, south of 8th Street
756 - 846: subtract 29
847 - 953: subtract 25
above 953: subtract 31
Central Park West: divide by 10 (not 20), add 60
Columbus Avenue: add 60
Lenox Avenue: add 110
Lexington Avenue: add 22
Madison Avenue: add 27
Manhattan Avenue: add 100
Park Avenue: add 35
Park Avenue South: add 8
Pleasant Avenue: add 101
St. Nicholas Avenue: add 110
Riverside Drive
1 - 567: divide by 10 (not 20), add 72
above 567: divide by 10 (not 20), add 78
Wadsworth Avenue add 173
West End Avenue: add 60
York Avenue: add 4
To add to the confusion:
Manhattan street addresses follow an algorithm that allows anyone with rudimentary math skills and the following charts to find the nearest cross street for a house number on an avenue.
Take the number of the street address, drop the last digit, divide by two (essentially dividing the address by 20 but accounting for odd numbers), and add or subtract the number in the chart. For example, 945 Madison Avenue (Whitney Museum of American Art, by the way) would yield the following equation:

945 / 2 = 47 + 27 (from the chart below) = 74th Street.
*The entrance is actually closer to 75th Street, but the museum takes up the whole block so it is just as close to 74th Street.

Avenues A, B, C, D: add 3
1st Avenue: add 3
2nd Avenue: add 3
3rd Avenue: add 10
4th Avenue: add 8
5th Avenue

63 - 108: add 11
109 - 200: add 13
201 - 400: add 16
401 - 600: add 18
601 - 775: add 20
776 - 1286: divide by 10 (instead of 20), subtract 18
1287-1500: add 45
1501 - 2000: add 24
Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue): subtract 12
7th Avenue
1 - 1800: add 12
1801 and up: add 20
8th Avenue: add 9
9th Avenue: add 13
10th Avenue: add 14
11th Avenue: add 15
Amsterdam Avenue: add 59
Audubon Avenue: add 165
1-754: unnumbered streets, south of 8th Street
756 - 846: subtract 29
847 - 953: subtract 25
above 953: subtract 31
Central Park West: divide by 10 (not 20), add 60
Columbus Avenue: add 60
Lenox Avenue: add 110
Lexington Avenue: add 22
Madison Avenue: add 27
Manhattan Avenue: add 100
Park Avenue: add 35
Park Avenue South: add 8
Pleasant Avenue: add 101
St. Nicholas Avenue: add 110
Riverside Drive
1 - 567: divide by 10 (not 20), add 72
above 567: divide by 10 (not 20), add 78
Wadsworth Avenue add 173
West End Avenue: add 60
York Avenue: add 4
Are you using a least square method to determine a linear regression line?
To add to the confusion:
Manhattan street addresses follow an algorithm that allows anyone with rudimentary math skills and the following charts to find the nearest cross street for a house number on an avenue.
Take the number of the street address, drop the last digit, divide by two (essentially dividing the address by 20 but accounting for odd numbers), and add or subtract the number in the chart. For example, 945 Madison Avenue (Whitney Museum of American Art, by the way) would yield the following equation:

945 / 2 = 47 + 27 (from the chart below) = 74th Street.
*The entrance is actually closer to 75th Street, but the museum takes up the whole block so it is just as close to 74th Street.

Avenues A, B, C, D: add 3
1st Avenue: add 3
2nd Avenue: add 3
3rd Avenue: add 10
4th Avenue: add 8
5th Avenue

63 - 108: add 11
109 - 200: add 13
201 - 400: add 16
401 - 600: add 18
601 - 775: add 20
776 - 1286: divide by 10 (instead of 20), subtract 18
1287-1500: add 45
1501 - 2000: add 24
Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue): subtract 12
7th Avenue
1 - 1800: add 12
1801 and up: add 20
8th Avenue: add 9
9th Avenue: add 13
10th Avenue: add 14
11th Avenue: add 15
Amsterdam Avenue: add 59
Audubon Avenue: add 165
1-754: unnumbered streets, south of 8th Street
756 - 846: subtract 29
847 - 953: subtract 25
above 953: subtract 31
Central Park West: divide by 10 (not 20), add 60
Columbus Avenue: add 60
Lenox Avenue: add 110
Lexington Avenue: add 22
Madison Avenue: add 27
Manhattan Avenue: add 100
Park Avenue: add 35
Park Avenue South: add 8
Pleasant Avenue: add 101
St. Nicholas Avenue: add 110
Riverside Drive
1 - 567: divide by 10 (not 20), add 72
above 567: divide by 10 (not 20), add 78
Wadsworth Avenue add 173
West End Avenue: add 60
York Avenue: add 4
They need to add this to proby school as a memory exercise. "Alright, proby, what's the number for Park Avenue South?" :unsure: :eek:
Brooklyyn is pretty easy as long as you remember there is a 7th Street, North 7th Street, East 7th Street, South 7th Street, West 7th Street, Bay 7th Street, Brighton 7th Street, Flatlands 7th street, Kinsborough 7th Walk, and Paerdegat 7th Street.
Brooklyyn is pretty easy as long as you remember there is a 7th Street, North 7th Street, East 7th Street, South 7th Street, West 7th Street, Bay 7th Street, Brighton 7th Street, Flatlands 7th street, Kinsborough 7th Walk, and Paerdegat 7th Street.
Also Beach 38- Beach 51 Streets in Seagate
Brooklyyn is pretty easy as long as you remember there is a 7th Street, North 7th Street, East 7th Street, South 7th Street, West 7th Street, Bay 7th Street, Brighton 7th Street, Flatlands 7th street, Kinsborough 7th Walk, and Paerdegat 7th Street.
Don't forget 7th Avenue, John.
Brooklyyn is pretty easy as long as you remember there is a 7th Street, North 7th Street, East 7th Street, South 7th Street, West 7th Street, Bay 7th Street, Brighton 7th Street, Flatlands 7th street, Kinsborough 7th Walk, and Paerdegat 7th Street.
I believe you're correct, except there is no South 7 Street.
Just like the numbered Paerdergat and Flatlands Streets on the west and east sides of the Canarsie peninsula, there were mapped Vandalia numbered streets on the east side of Fresh Creek, I assume off Louisiana Avenue.
I saw them on an old map. They were never built.
In Manhattan don't the majority of even numbered streets run east to west and odd numbered streets west to east?