^^^^^The above DV front looks like it was adapted from a Front from another Dept due to the banner type cutout & raised letters....probably just painted the DV*5 across the modern times the word "Aide" is not supposed to be used because several years ago the beancounters tried to make it a civilian position so the emphasis was returned to FF in the title as in BN*FF or DV*FF.......also at the same time they attempted to make the MPO "Motor Pump Operator" / ECC Engine Company Chauffer" title into a civilian MVO "Motor Vehicle Operator" the Union was able to show that there was more to that job than driving to the scene & operating the Pumps & that a Qualified FF was necessary .
How do you tell if a helmet or helmet front is authentic and not a fake or reproduction? I'm starting to build my collection but would like to know some pointers on what to look for.
How do you tell if a helmet or helmet front is authentic and not a fake or reproduction? I'm starting to build my collection but would like to know some pointers on what to look for.
Appearance. If it looks too good to be old and used, it is not old and used. Brand new looking front pieces are brand new. You can also ask the seller what the background is. Authentic fronts often have a story that is passed with it. Although many FFs have fronts from different companies they served in, it is too bad that dealers who get old helmets with fronts from retirees usually separate old fronts from old helmets to make more money with 2 sales.
^^^ when a BC is first appointed & is covering there is no BN number on the front....when on a long term assignment he may add a number & if eventually assigned he may get a new Front with the number on it or add his own version...back when this Helmet was in use there was no Quartermaster & Members had to spend their own money so he probably just left it as is.....I remember this particular fellow as a BC so it is legit.....the right price is what it is worth to you.....only you can decide the worth
Thanks i only asked because the front looks like the 31 was drawn on it with a marker. Before i decide if i want to bid on it i want to make sure that its the real deal, dont want to get scammed
It's certainly a handsome helmet, but based off the current price and number of bidders I expect it's price will become astronomical with six days to go.