In the inside view of the ENG*266 FF Helmet you can see an oblong piece of paper glued there.....this was the "pattern" made by the pins in the headpiece that Cairns used when they custom fit a Leather Helmet outlined the shape /size of your head....( not sure what year they stopped using this system & went to regular hat sizes) .....
^^ Yes never attached to a Helmet pin holes & no indentation at the top where it would be clasped.

_nc_ohc=7Hgz4hJGaLkAX8cevIk&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.jpg Fire Department

March 2, 2022 ·
From the Desk of the Fire Chief:
The Greenville Fire Department and myself would like to extend our sincere condolences and prayers to the family that lost their precious 3 year-old boy at yesterday’s Cypress View Apartment fire. I witnessed the men and women of the Greenville Fire Department display extra ordinary courage and bravery in the attempt to save this young child’s life. They pushed themselves through smoke, heat and fire. The bottom floor was fully engulfed upon arrival. But, this didn’t stop them. They proceeded to the top floor. Captain Ray, Relief Lieutenant Titus and Firefighters Phillips and Welton literally was on fire themselves in their efforts. The melted helmet of Fire Captain Randy Ray displays unseen heroic efforts to the public’s eye. We thank Police Chief Marcus Turner and the Greenville Police officers that showed compassion, scene safety and control 1f64f.png. We are truly 1 Team. We also give thanks to the Sheriff’s Department and Pafford EMS 1f64f.png. Mayor Eric Simmons and Councilman James Wilson arrived on scene. Once there, they prayed and supported our first responders. Pastor Prestage and Dr. Edwards thank you 1f64f.png for staying up late last night with us as we debriefed and started the healing process of this tragic event. We are asking the community to keep the family in their prayers.
That later edition front piece and helmet look pretty good for something that was used in 58 engine. Maybe a long time MPO, oops, ECC?