68jk09 said:
TS Training SchoolPatch... aka Tough Sh#t Patch a copy like we wore when i was in proby school..... i don't remember if ours were NYFD though ? www.ebay.com/itm/Patch-Fire-Department-New-York-Training-School/352867354020?hash=item52288885a4:g:KvQAAOSwwppd3Gtl:sc:USPSFirstClass!11361!US!-1
I have one here someplace Chief and it is FDNY
295/144....    https://www.ebay.com/itm/1920s-Whitestone-Queens-FDNY-Ladder-Photo/113991605849?hash=item1a8a6dde59:g:6dYAAOSwTldd32LE
68jk09 said:
295/144....    https://www.ebay.com/itm/1920s-Whitestone-Queens-FDNY-Ladder-Photo/113991605849?hash=item1a8a6dde59:g:6dYAAOSwTldd32LE
That was probably before the whole house was moved to make way for the Cross Island Parkway. fdhistorian, what's your take on that??
  You can see the 1915 MK-2 Ahrens-Fox that was originally assigned to Engine 295 that would later be reassigned to Engine 6. ;)
memory master said:
68jk09 said:
295/144....    https://www.ebay.com/itm/1920s-Whitestone-Queens-FDNY-Ladder-Photo/113991605849?hash=item1a8a6dde59:g:6dYAAOSwTldd32LE
That was probably before the whole house was moved to make way for the Cross Island Parkway. fdhistorian, what's your take on that??

There are a few hints, other than the age of the apparatus.
The building was moved during 1939.
The original location had a vent in the sidewalk between the apparatus bays and
there was a fire hydrant at the curb to the right of the bays.
Neither is present in those places at the new location.


OLD AIR RAID SIREN... All NYC FHs had these on the roof from WW2 into the 60s when they stopped placing them on newly built FHs ....ours on Siegel St remained functional up till the day we moved in Aug '71.... other old FHs still had them hooked up quite awhile after ....a button in the HW activated it...in the old bell system 13-3-13 meant the HW was supposed to blow the siren to signal an Air Raid to warn the neighborhood...the signal 13-4-13 meant blow it to signal All Clear to the neighborhood....luckily there was never an Air Raid in NYC.....in later years (before Handy Talkies ) it was sometime used if a FF was sent to the store around the corner & a Run came in the HW would give the button a quick push & the resulting growl would alert the shopping FF to run back to QTRS......
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LAD*28 '74 SEAGRAVE TILLER....  https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-York-City-Ladder-28-1974-Seagrave-100-TDA-Fire-Apparatus-Slide/372952377018?hash=item56d5b1a6ba:g:pkgAAOSwsnVeRgBp
^^^^^^Great article, thanks for sharing. What would these neighborhoods look like today if not for the blockbusting and arson?
68jk09 said:
BURNING BUSHWICK.....    https://www.archives.nyc/blog/2017/11/22/burning-bushwick

I think I mentioned in "My Younger Buff Years" (History section) that my first buff trip to the Bushwick area, arriving about 10 AM, within one hour, there was a Second Alarm fire on Evergreen Ave (I don't remember the cross streets). The fire spread across the upper floors and cockloft of the attached wood frames for the entire city block. It was probably around 1975/76. This was my first introduction to the area of Brooklyn they called Bushwick.

I know I have a picture of that fire hanging around the ole' homestead here that I had framed and made into a 5 x 7 for the Buff Room Display.

Several years ago, I remember telling Chief JK "68jk09" about it and how I saw Ladders 112 and 124 operating there. Chief JK then said to me "what about us Willy, 108 was there too".
Has anyone else ever wondered why there were always so many big fires when Willy just happened to be around?  Hmmmm...
Photo from Aug 1965 of the Super Pumper Tender operating at a Boro Call in a Lumber Yard at Stewart Ave & Scholes St in BKLYN (108 1st Due from Seigel St).....as the text states the Super Pumper System did not officially go in service until Oct 1965 but was brought to this large Fire.....note the tormentors on the side of the Rig to counteract the powerful stream...also there is a Hose Tag on the supply line at the Rig...... www.ebay.com/itm/Official-FDNY-Photograph-of-a-Super-Pumper-Satellite-Tender-operating-in-Aug-65/264754870747?hash=item3da49eb9db:g:r5IAAOSwnDJe2t3q