Search results

  1. Q

    Purvis new firehouse alert system.

    I read a while back they are replacing the teleprinter system. Had it been done yet in all houses?
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    Squad tool

    I noticed the squads have a nozzle -looking device attached to the diamond plate box. What is it?
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    UCT ending
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    Guy jumps in E34 and assaults chauffeur
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    Batt 74

    How long is battalion 74 going to operate in Rockaway? How are they sharing runs with the 47?
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    Brevard County

    Does anyone know the frequency for Brevard County Fire and Brevard Sheriff?
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    Queens All hands 1603 7/30/12

    Queens All hands 1603 7/30/12 1456 18 West 19 Road Crossbay Blvd Fire 2nd floor 2 STY PD E266 E268 E265 L126/L137 TL121 BC47 E331 L173 FT Rescue 4, Sq 270, DIV 13 2 lines stretched in operation, trucks opening up, fire in walls 2nd floor. Lt from engine company hurt in rear with ankle...
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    Teleprinters and MDT History?

    What year did the teleprinters come out into the FDNY? What about the MDT's? Was it always Starfire?
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    03/30/12 Queens Box 5356 Dog On Tracks

    EMS box 5356 - 196 Street at 99 Ave Report of possibly a person and dog struck by train. 1047 HRS Bc54, 2 AND 2 response, L133 Sq270 R4 replacing R2 Reported male on tracks with dog, unknown if it's the male or dog hit. E301 says EMS on scene, we are going to check. 1053 - BC54 - Dog on the...
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    Old firehouse on Metropolitan ave

    What company used to be in the old firehouse on Metropolitan ave between Stewart Ave and Varicke Ave?
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    10/27/11 Queens All hands 1309

    10/27/11  11:35 E266 E268 E265 L137 T153/L121 BC47 Box 1309 - 107 Beach 90 street between Holland Ave and Shorefront Pkwy - rep fire in a private dwelling D=PRIVATE DWELL REAR WINDOW/MC CB........ 266 - 10-75, Fire 2nd floor 2 1/2 story peaked rook private dwelling. E264 L134FT R4 SQ270...
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    Rockaway HAZMAT 06/25/10

    06/25/10 BC47,Marine 3 HAZMAT1, SQUAD 270, 121 w/ their second peice at Riis Park for radiation readings at 30 micro rems. 1115 hrs 1154 . Determined normal background readings, all units going 10-8 and OOS for decontamination. 10-80 no code.
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    6/08/10 Manhattan All Hands Box 437

    @2124 Div 1 reports using all hands for a fire 4th floor 30x75 foot mult dwelling 122 2 ave between E7 St - St Marks Pl. @2128 Division 1 1 L/S trucks opening up, primaries on the floor above are negative.
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    Queens 10-45 code 1 - 2/01/10

    02/01/10 Queens E264 assigned on EMS Run for Box 1134 - 19-15 SEAGIRT BLVD. btween CREST RD - BEACH 19 ST For a BURNMA (Major Burns) Box Transmitted for smoke in APT 8E. DISP "E264, Your initial call was for a person injure; burnt. Further down in the history, it says smoke condition in the...
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    02/01/10 Queens All Hands 1212

    02/01/10 Queens All Hands 1212 BOX 1212 - 517 BEACH 43 ST NORTON BASIN - BEACHCHANNEL DR FIRE IN A PRIVATE DWELLING E328 acting E265 E264 T121 L137 BC47 E266 @1459 "Battalion 47 3 and 2 responce E328/E265 10-14 engine" (264 was first due engine it seems) "L121 to Queens urgent! 10-75, 1 story...
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    12/17/09 Queens all hands 2034 BRUSH

    Queens 12/17/09 Box 2034  - 165 ave + 83 St  Brush E331 L173 "L173 Transmit our box, 10-75, heavy winds." E285 E225 E236? TL142 TL107FT E266 w/ BFU 7 Rescue 4 Squad 270 BC39 BC51 - 10-75 Chief Div. 13 1715  - L173 States E331 needs a fireboat and the brush fire unit. Disp advises E266...
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    12/03/09 Queens all hands 5709

    12/03/09 Queens all hands 5709 118-38 201 Place @0846 L165 "5709, 10-75, 2 1/2 story peaked roof provate dwelling" L150FT 50 10-75 chief Squad 270 Unkn if rescue assigned BATTALION 54 All hands 2 1/2 occupied story private dwelling with a peaked roof. 1 line stretched, trucks are opening up...
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    I just saw E268 this morning, and they had a high rise nozzle on the rig. It must of been put there very recently. Did they decide to add another high rise engine for the rockaways ? (E266 is a high rise noz)
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    Queens all hands 1210 11/29/09

    11/29/09 Phone alarm 1210, 439 Beach 45 Street off Beachchannel Dr. reporting fire in a building. E265 E264 TL121 L134 BC47 1607 1609 Queens calling Engine company 265, also from UCT 439 B45 St, getting 436 Beach 46 St, off Beachchannel Dr" E265 "E265 10-4 it looks like we have a 1 story frame...
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    911 Text

    What does the word "RO" (as in RO 8678 NTFD) and (RO UNREACHABLE) in the 911 text mean?