FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies - 2nd Section

Engine 34/Ladder 21 (continued)

Hell's Kitchen:


Hell's Kitchen Name:

Exact origin of name "Hells Kitchen" unknown. Possibilities include:

1. a tenement on 54th Street
2. a building at 39th Street
3. a gang or local dive with similar name at that time
4. a similar violent area of London at that time
5. NJ residents who would see smoke rising from neighborhood
6. a corruption of "Heil's Kitchen", a German lady who ran a restaurant near the docks

Dutch Fred NYPD "Hells Kitchen" name origin: A veteran NYPD cop, Dutch Fred, on patrol with a rookie cop on West 39th St near 10th Ave. The two cops witnessed a small riot and the rookie said to Dutch, "This place is Hell itself," to which the veteran cop replied, "Hell's a mild climate. This is Hell's Kitchen, no less."

Dutch Fred:

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Hell's Kitchen:


Hell's Kitchen History:


Hell's Kitchen:



Engine 34/Ladder 21 (continued)

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On 8-9-71 LAD*108 & BN*35 moved from 112 Seigel St bet Humboldt St & Graham Ave the FH 108 occupied since 1887 (formerly it had been ENG*218s Qtrs)...... get.google.com/albumarchive/106932337934408083207/album/AF1QipPLjjnR5KcsrIxf5PXihKALcNbJ9AtEgMGRXQUG/AF1QipOP_BQTIUCWKqDg_x1UayupVZlC88LpHsbEe5yh?authKey=CNGm1IGbsMeV2AE the new FH is at 187 Union Ave off Broadway (ENG*216 also moved in shortly after) the FH is next to the 90 Pct & ESU Truck*8....... the first Fire in the old Fh was on the night we moved out....2 weeks later a major Fire destroyed the bldg & it was torn down...the odd thing is that still in 2020 the old 2500 Sq Ft 112 Seigel St lot remains empty as it has been since the demolition in 1971....it has too be one of the only lots that was never built on again....every other empty parcel has been constructed on with a variety of bldg styles....very odd..... www.google.com/search?client=safari&channel=mac_bm&sxsrf=ALeKk00pe3H6FiyP57M1NPwadJL54NALyQ%3A1596941160357&source=hp&ei=aGMvX6_JEpeLytMP5fWUwAQ&q=112+seigel+street%2C+brooklyn%2C+ny&oq=112&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgQIIxAnMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgUIABCRAjIFCC4QsQMyAggAMgIIADICCAA6CwguELEDEMcBEKMCOgcIABAUEIcCOg0ILhDHARCvARAUEIcCOgUIABCxA1CvIFj8I2DQM2gAcAB4AIABgQGIAboCkgEDMi4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab
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Ladder 108 firehouse 112 Seigel Street, Williamsburg "Siegel Eagles"

Ladder 108 history:

Ladder 8 BFD organized 112 Seigel St 1887
Ladder 8 BFD became Ladder8 FDNY 1898
Ladder 8 became Ladder 58 1899
Ladder 58 moved to 89-91 Humboldt St 1906
Ladder 58 moved to 112 Siegel St 1907
Ladder 58 became Ladder 108 1913
Ladder 108 moved to 187 Union Ave w/Bn35 1971

From "Our Firemen: the Official History of the Brooklyn Fire Department":

"Hook and Ladder Company No. 8 occupied a two-story brick structure with brown-stone facings, on Siegel Street near Graham Avenue, in the Sixteenth Ward. The district covered by this company is a large and particularly dangerous one, for the reason that nearly every lot has a front and rear house standing upon it, the majority of which are four-story frame dwellings occupied chiefly by German families. On a first-alarm the members respond to calls from 108 boxes, which cover the territory bounded by Leonard and Jackson Streets, by Newtown Creek, Atlantic and Albany Avenues, and by Penn Street and Broadway. In addition to this they cover 88 boxes on a second-alarm and 56 on third-alarm, which latter takes in the Greenpoint District. On "special calls" they go down to the Western District. Among the large buildings in the district are St. Catherine's Hospital, the Montrose Avenue Orphan Asylum, St. Joseph's Home, St. John's College, Home for the Aged, the Beecher Home, St. John's Orphan Asylum, Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, St. Mary's Catholic Church. There are also in this district several public schools, the Lyceum Theatre, Batterman's dry goods and furniture stores, Berlin's dry goods house, Worn & Sons' furniture factory, the Iron Clad manufactory, Bossert's lumber yard, Newman's lumber yard, and Puger's sash and blind factory.

This company was organized Nov. 30, 1887. The house was formerly occupied by Engine No. 18. It has a second-class Hayes truck with extension-ladders, which was built in 1890. "Tom," a gray horse, and "Frank" and "Billy," dark bays, all fine, serviceable young horses, furnish the power for transportation. District Engineer Fanning's horses "John" and "Dick," a roan and chestnut, also have their quarters in the house. The apparatus and horses are always in the pink of condition when not in active service. There are among the members those who have been in perilous positions while in the discharge of their duties as protectors of the property and lives of citizens, and still others who have unflinchingly thrown aside all feeling of personal safety to save the lives of those who were cut off by smoke and flame."

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112 Seigel Street firehouse:

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In reply # 2,009 (the last night tour on Siegel St) That was a brand new unassigned '70 Seagrave Rear Mount that we had for several months as a spare since our regular '69 ALF Tiller was being repaired from an accident & there were not many dependable Tiller spares at that time.