Engine 154 60 Hannah St Tompkinsville, SI and 3730 Victory Blvd Travis, SI
Engine 204 organized 44 Sarah Ann St SI (former quarters of volunteer Niagara Engine 5) 1905
Engine 204 address changed to 44 VanDuzer St 1910
Engine 204 changed to Engine 154 1913
Engine 154 moved to 60 Hanah St 1913
Engine 154 moved to new firehouse 3730 Victory Blvd 1972
Engine 154 disbanded 1975
Engine 154 reorganized 1975
Engine 154 disbanded 1975
Engine 154 reorganized 1981
Relay Hose Wagon SI moved from Engine 31 to 60 Hannah St at Engine 154 1965
Relay Hose Wason SI moved to 345 Annadale Rd at Engine 167 1972
Foam 84 organized 3730 Victory Blvd 1984
Foam 84 became Foam 154 1998
Brush Fire Unit 4 organized 3730 Victory Blvd 1997
Division 8 also quartered at 60 Hannah St w/Engine 154 during 1939-1940 and 1941-1951
60 Hannah St former firehouse - Tompkinsville, SI:
There is a piece of baseball history associated with this firehouse. Bobby Thompson, the baseball player who hit the famous "Shot Heard Around the World" home run to win the 1951 pennant for the NY Giants, lived on Staten Island. He went to this firehouse to celebrate immediately after he won the NL championship at the Polo Grounds.
The walk off home run, one of the most famous in baseball, won the third game of a rare NL pennant playoffs (no playoff system back then). The Giants, were down 13 1/2 games in August and were trailing 4-1 in the 9th inning. It became the "Miracle of Coogan's Bluff." After he hit the walk off home run, Thompson took the SI ferry to celebrate with his brother Jim, who was on duty with E154. Jim Thompson's son Jimmy also became an FDNY captain.
60 Hannah St former firehouse:

Quarters for Engine 154 and Division 8
3730 Victory Blvd firehouse:
Engine 154 1940s:
Engine 154:
Foam 154:
Former Brush Fire Units:

BFU 4 damaged by hurricane Sandy
Engine 154 protects a large area of western SI. It is first due in the Travis and Bulls Head sections of SI. Travis was originally called Linoleumville - the site of America's first linoleum factory in the 1860s. It was the location of a ferry to NJ at the end of Victory Blvd. The area was renamed Travis in 1930 after an original area settler.
Bulls Heads neighborhood was named after a 1700s tavern at intersection of Richmond Ave and Victory Blvd:

- 1981 movie scenes from "Splendor in the Grass" were filmed in Travis, vicinity of E 154 quarters