FDNY-EMS response to fires

Feb 28, 2007
Does FDNY EMS have a certain response to 10-75's and greater alarms. When would the MERV go and trucks like that. thank you
I did look and might of over looked it. In the 10 codes just states what the emergency is, not the dispatch response. For example if a 10-75 is transmitted, does the type of occupancy of the bldg change the response. Vacant=1 BLS, OMD=1 BLS,1 ALS.etc... Something like that was trying to find. Where I work it does? We don't have BLS just ALS trucks. Will send 1 at first and than a 2 is dispatched when a working alarm has been given. 1 for triage/rehab the other transport if need be.
merv goes on 2nd alarms,and can be special called to an all hands during harsh weather

ems on a 10-76 response

1 - Division Captain
2 - Conditions Officers
1 - BLS ambulances
1 - ALS ambulance

10-76/2nd alarm

1 - Deputy Chief
1 - Division Captain
1 - Conditions Officer
1 - Haz-Tac Officer
3 - BLS ambulances
1 - ALS ambulance
1 - Major Emergency Response Vehicle
1 - Logistical Support Unit
1 - Mobile Respiratory Treatment Unit

on a 10-60

EMS resources assigned on a 10-60 include:
1 - EMS Division Chief
1 - EMS Deputy Chief
2 - EMS Division Captains
3 - EMS Conditions Officers
1 - Haz-Tac Officer
2 - ALS Ambulance
4 - BLS Ambulances
1 - OMA Response Physician
1 - Logistical Support Unit (LSU)
1 - Major Emergency Response Vehicle (MERV)
1 - Mobile Respiratory Treatment Unit (MRTU)

i had saved these off another site i think tbenedick had posted them
WOW,thank you for your response, anesti. That is some response. God Bless the FDNY. They are so prepared and equipped.
anesti said:
on a 10-60

EMS resources assigned on a 10-60 include:
1 - EMS Division Chief
1 - EMS Deputy Chief
2 - EMS Division Captains
3 - EMS Conditions Officers
1 - Haz-Tac Officer
2 - ALS Ambulance
4 - BLS Ambulances
1 - OMA Response Physician
1 - Logistical Support Unit (LSU)
1 - Major Emergency Response Vehicle (MERV)
1 - Mobile Respiratory Treatment Unit (MRTU)
What's the point in having all this kit if you only have four paras and ten or so techs to use it? Are there seriously only 6 ambulances sent? When do you need more officers than medics?
The problem with EMS, (has been better lately) was that they would send units and say check and tell me what you need.  I don't know how many times I responded to things and never got close to what the Matrix said. We asked they would say it's a recommended guideline only. It wasn't like the FD, were you give the signal and the dispatcher fills it out based on the matrix. I would say the recently it has been alot better and you do get more units then in the past.

The 10-60's are used for building collapses and things like that.  Ambulances will be called as needed and the 4 and 2 is just the basic they want sent.
tbendick said:
The problem with EMS, (has been better lately) was that they would send units and say check and tell me what you need.  I don't know how many times I responded to things and never got close to what the Matrix said. We asked they would say it's a recommended guideline only. It wasn't like the FD, were you give the signal and the dispatcher fills it out based on the matrix. I would say the recently it has been alot better and you do get more units then in the past.

The 10-60's are used for building collapses and things like that.  Ambulances will be called as needed and the 4 and 2 is just the basic they want sent.

When you mention, "Ambulances will be called as needed and the 4 and 2 is just the basic they want sent", Are you referring to 4 BLS and 2 ALS ambulances ???  Thank you !!
Yes. the 4 and 2 is BLS vs ALS.  Sorry for the delay in responding. I would have to look at the matrix again, one of them had something with the amount of patients but I cant remember it.
aloha, didn't FDNY EMS add a rescue type of ambulance, kinda like the haztac. i forgot the term they used i saw it somewhere.also what would they carry. thanks again.
ems response to the 10-60, how many are haztec, rescue,?  and how about a 10-66 ems response  thanks
HelsinkiVolunteer said:
Just btw. what is the main difference between a MERV and a MRTU?

Just Click on the "EMS section" of this site, and go through page 1 and 2. Alot has been discussed there. Basically MERV stands for Mobile Emergency Room Vehicle, and MRTU stands for Mobile Respiratory Therapy Unit.