NYBravest82 said:If only MACK was still "Really" around. If I get the time i'll try and whip up a sketch in MS Paint to get a visual on how this may look.
Dead on Capt., I agree.vbcapt said:The EPA/Gov't requirements are for the engine/exhaust mandates. The EPA doesn't dictate the other 75% of the rig....the Not For Practical Application (NFPA) tries to dictate the rest, and don't think for a minute the apparatus manufacturers are boo hooing about all this, especially when they're given the check for all the goodies that are built into a fire truck.
So true Bill. The Mack CF Pumpers and Tower Ladders did more running and actual fire duty in NYC than any other manufacturers apparatus ever saw anywhere. Those rigs were built to respond to and operate at fires. No fancy parade stuff was included or needed. As for today's apparatus, it's all built to meet the same NFPA spec's (more than a little of which are pure nonsense that just add to the cost of the rig). I worked for a Pierce dealer after retirement and although many apparatus buffs genuflect everytime the 'Pierce name' is mentioned, they truly are nothing special. I saw lot's of problems with new Pierce rigs that repeatedly came back to the dealership for repair only to show up again with the same issue.nfd2004 said:NYBravest82 said:If only MACK was still "Really" around. If I get the time i'll try and whip up a sketch in MS Paint to get a visual on how this may look.
Those Heavy Duty Mack Pumpers and Tower Ladders will NEVER-EVER be beat. No fire trucks fought the number of fires they did, then after several years of that, many served other busy cities for years on. Providence Tower Ladders 1 and 2, their busiest ladder companies, were former FDNY rigs. Those rigs probadly spent another 10 years in service there as frontline pieces after being rebuilt by their shops.
HMEs, KMEs, ALFs, E-Ones, or any others, with all the bells and whistles, have a tough time trying to beat that.
Rich@36 said:The city is already sorry about the Ferrara's. The kme's, my personal opinion is that they wont even fill that order. This will be the death of Kme. And from what i hear the city is killing Ferrara with warranty and ferrara is in bad shape.