FDNY RIG Colors why does FDNY Not do the color scheme like this?

We had a slime green 1981 Mack through the 80's until the city painted it blue and white for Corrections.
I do not believe so, however the high pressure fittings were white to distinguish them.
I believe that I remember reading years ago that the 2000 gpm pumpers had a white hose bed cover to distinguish them from the regular pumpers.
Last all Red cab Mack TL, MT-8410, L120. MT-8411 was White over Red and was assigned to L33. The final 2 rigs in that order, MT-8412 and MT-8413 went to I believe L138 and L17.
l thought TL 15 got the first white over red cab and white boom, and was the only single rear axle in that scheme. Just going from memory and did not do any searches yet.