As the 1980s came in, I had learned that The NY Fire Fighters Burn Center would sponsor classes for anyone who wanted to attend. They would hold these classes about three to four times a year, usually on Saturdays. I believe this was started by the Late Retired Lt Jim Curran formerly of Rescue 1. Several others also helped organize this to help support the Burn Unit, while bringing some of the most experienced members to talk on various subjects. All donating their time with no pay. The cost was $25.00 and included lunch and the money would go to help support the Burn Unit. I always made sure I attended these. Usually there was three or four speakers during the day. Some of the most well known across the country. Like Chief Ray Downey and Lt Andy Fredricks who we lost on 9/11. Others like Dep Chief Vincent Dunn, Chief John Norman, Chief John Salka, Capt Rex Morris, and many others all donating their time to give these classes and Help the Burn Center.
By far, no question at all. For me, these were the BEST Classes I ever attended in the Fire Service. I believe they still offer these. I"m sure if anybody was interested, you can check out their web site. I believe they also offer some Great FDNY Training DVDs too.
In the 1980s, after these classes were over around 3 PM, I'd leave "The Rock" and head to my favorite Bronx neighborhoods. For me, it was the Best Classes and then the Best Buffing, money could buy. I sure enjoyed that.