New Rearmount order

Just a guess ...could the round base be to reduce the width profile when driving through a tight spot ?......fpr example on a narrow roadway bridge like on Roosevelt Ave over the Flushing Creek which is lined with Jersey Barriers ?......often the old square dangling pads on the front of a TL would "ding" along the Jersey Barriers.
Just a guess ...could the round base be to reduce the width profile when driving through a tight spot ?......fpr example on a narrow roadway bridge like on Roosevelt Ave over the Flushing Creek which is lined with Jersey Barriers ?......often the old square dangling pads on the front of a TL would "ding" along the Jersey Barriers.
Good idea but I don’t think that’s it. From what I am hearing chauffeurs are gonna start having to put the plates out more often before going up.
Going to slow the set up operation down. Tell that to the kid hanging out a window ….” I’ll be right there as soon as I put the ground pads down.…hold on , down jump!” Every second counts. That’s way the older Larger plates are / were used.…already mounted to the down jack . Larger pads were stowed on the rig if need ,if operating on soft ground. Or rear mounts only having one out rigger at the rear and not also mid mount. Try spotting two out riggers to full extension on the inboard side on narrow crowded NYC street , or even now with all the out door dinning side walk sheds. This needs to rethought before someone gets hurt or worst. It was never an issue before …for years. What has changed. Why reinvent the wheel. That’s the reason FDNY uses mid- duty rear mounts.