News of Members

Jun 15, 2012
  " Relating to Our Upcoming "Member Get Together" on May 11th, I understand that young "Probie Wanna Be", Gracian Bendick, (see above photo) will be making a Special Guest Appearance."

FANTASTIC ! What a TERRIFIC Young Man.  8)

I myself; and I'm sure the other Members, look forward to Welcoming this Wonderful New Guy aboard.  :)
Jan 20, 2014
Signal73 said:
Signal73 said:
No need for a thank you. Just doing my best to help make this site great

Not much sleep when you have a 7 month old at home

Never forget her waking me up when they dropped a 2nd Alarm in Queens lol. It?s like she knew

Almost 8 Months already to buff jobs

And at just shy of 10 Months. She along with her brother buffed their 1st in Manhattan

Jun 22, 2007
Brad that is GREAT. Yes, "they got the makings".

I remember my father bringing me to the firehouse when I was about 4 years old. He did the same thing with my brother too.

A few years go by and whenever we hear the fire trucks, my brother and I would be on our bicycles trying to find out where they went.

These days we may not chase the fire trucks on our bicycles anymore. But not a day goes by that we don't mention something about the fire dept.

Looking back, it all started about 60 or 65 years ago when he brought us to that firehouse.

Brad, 20 years from now, those pictures you posted might tell a story that started back around April, 2019.

Jun 22, 2007
For many of us on this site, particularly our more senior members, we have been following the tread titled: "The Ventures/Days of Doo Wop", in the General Discussion section here.

A frequent contributor to that thread is a member who calls himself "memory master". His real name is Charlie T., and he is a good personnel friend to several members of this site.

We know that Charlie has retired from the FDNY/EMS and also worked within the former NYC Health and Hospitals EMS covering the city before that merger. During his years he worked in some of the busiest areas of the city, where he rose up in rank to I believe, Lt. Without any doubt in my mind, he has had a "direct impact" on saving thousands of lives and helping so many during those years.

How do you thank somebody who has done so much good for so many people ?

I have never actually met Charlie but I feel as though I've know him for years. We keep in touch quite often, mostly through email.

But what I also wanted to say is that Charlie T., aka "memory master", has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the music of those Doo Wop Days. Those of us who have viewed that thread, "The Ventures/Days of Doo Wop", can confirm that.

However, I recently learned that Charlie goes much deeper into it than posting his comments on there. I just received an email from him. He calls it "Memory Masters Music". As I went through it, I could NOT believe the huge amount of work he put into this. He has listed over 3,200 albums and cd's that he has in his collection. Not only does he have that entire list, but he has also broken down each album and cd containing the "artist", "title", "genre", "disc", "tracks", "release date", "label" and "added data".

It is an UNBELIEVABLE PIECE OF "CLASSIC" WORK. What a Great job he did.

I don't know if there's any way that he could post it on this site for ALL the members to see. But I'm sure there are other guys here that would certainly enjoy seeing it and be as impressed with it as much as I am.

THANK YOU Charlie, aka "memory master". Thank you for all you do for us here and we certainly THANK YOU for the Life Saving Job that you did for so many years. In most likely the "busiest and most dangerous EMS organization in the World".

During my younger buffing days, I saw you guys work too. "The Webster Outpost" on Webster Ave in the Bronx was a favorite of mine. Tough place to work.

Quick story, a civilian was hit by a car near the Butler Housing Project. A large crowd gathered around the only two NYC Health and Hospitals EMS workers on the scene and the neighborhood people weren't too happy about it. Not only did those NYC EMS guys have to worry about the patient, but they also had to worry about the crowd too. 
Plus there was the "aids" thing that came out with thousands in NYC infected.

This is just one small story that so many people like Charlie T., "memory master", had to deal with.

Let me also say this. This "NEWS of MEMBERS" thread merely scratches the surface of some of our members here. There are so many more stories to tell. But where do we begin ? 
Aug 29, 2008
Thank you Willy for your kind words. I would love to post the collection on the site IF I knew what I was doing. The actual base for my collection info is from They offer sites for music, dvd, book, etc. collections. The hard part was/is manually entering each article, tracks, dates, incidental info, etc. but it is a labor of love which is not yet complete. I'll see what I can do about getting it out onto the site.
May 6, 2010
Johhny Gage your helmets & or Fronts are all over the map....
May 6, 2010
All over the map is a 112 Mascot.....
Apr 23, 2018
Pretty cool stuff, EMERGENCY!...still lives!...I can't wait to give Dixie and Dr. Joe Early a call down at Rampart.  KMG-365
Jun 22, 2007
A couple of announcements to make regarding a few of our members. member Steve E., aka "fltpara16", tells us that his daughter was recently married and they are now on their honeymoon in South Africa. We wish the couple many Happy and Healthy years together. Congratulations to both, as well as the father of the bride. 

We know that Steve E., "fltpara16", is a Battalion Chief in the Albemarle County Fire Dept in Virginia, where he covers the entire county as the only B/C on duty during his shift tour. We also know that a few of our members here have rode with him as his B/C aide on several occasions.

Now with his daughter married and several years with the department, could a retirement be in the near future for this great guy who many of us consider a personnel friend.

We now bring you News regarding another member of this site who many of us know as well. Bill J., aka "Parkave32", recently reported that both he and his wife, Jane, sold their Bronx, Throggs Neck home in November, moving to Tennessee. Just outside of Nashville. Bill J., had retired after a career working at Hunter College in NYC.

Seems that the Most Reverend Elwoood E., aka "CFDMarshall", won't be the only one coming up from Tennessee next month. Bill J., reports that he and the Mrs plan to come back to NYC next month where they plan to attend the 40th Anniversary of the Throggs Neck Volunteer Ambulance Organization, where they both meet in 1979.

In addition, members Steve E., "fltpara16", and Bill J., "Parkave32", plan to join us for the May 11th Get Together of members from this site, as well as members of FDNY etc. Of course the Most Reverend Elwood E., "CFDMarshall", from Tennessee will be there as well. 
Apr 1, 2007
Wall dogie, John usn's hyar in the C S of A don't cotton to that sorta innnnn-solt.  So thiss'n are jest fur y'all:

Jun 22, 2007
raybrag said:
Wall dogie, John usn's hyar in the C S of A don't cotton to that sorta innnnn-solt.  So thiss'n are jest fur y'all:

Ray, last time we saw Rev Elwood, "CFDMarshall", he didn't have a beard like that.
Feb 27, 2010
nfd2004 said:
raybrag said:
Wall dogie, John usn's hyar in the C S of A don't cotton to that sorta innnnn-solt.  So thiss'n are jest fur y'all:

Ray, last time we saw Rev Elwood, "CFDMarshall", he didn't have a beard like that.

You know my hair ain't gray! Ain't got no hair at all and the far chief sez I can't have no beard!
Apr 1, 2007
Awright John.  I no I've given you s??t about your southerner comments.  But, bein' from toity-toid street and toid amnya, I gotta tellya . . . a southern to Brooklynese dickshunerry is sorely needed.
Jun 22, 2007
Today, April 20th, Mark?s the 45th wedding anniversary for this sites administrator, Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick and his wife Madeline.

Congratulations and many more to come, to John and Madeline on this very special day.
