Members of, once again it gives me great pleasure to announce another member of my alumina called the Norwich Fire Dept.
Maybe 20 or so years ago, my brother and I are in a neighborhood store in West Haven, Ct. My brother, a Bridgeport Firefighter at the time, tells me that he knows a young guy that works there and says he is taking the next test for the Norwich Fire Dept, aka "Rose City's Bravest". So we go in there and he introduces me to him. His name is Mark Siscuso and Mark tells me that he signed up to take the next test for the job. I could tell that he's really into it by the things he's saying.
So I wish him luck and in my mind I'm thinking; "Yea, him and a few other hundred guys taking that test for about 4 or 5 openings". I didn't want to sound negative but "I wouldn't count on getting it".
The testing process begins and a year or so later, we get word that our new probies will ride with us for a couple of days before going into the Recruit Probie Class for the next 10, 12 or so weeks. We get two probies assigned to ride with us for the day.
We sit down and I tell our two new probies what is expected of them. I have no idea who they are when I first meet them. When we are finished Mark "nfdcanman" says to me, "How's your brother doing" ? I asked him, "how do you know my brother" ? Mark says: "he used to come into the store I worked at in West Haven" and he says he remembers meeting me too.
I had just written Mark, aka "Sparky" as he was later nicknamed off. But "The Spark" did EXTREMELY WELL. I couldn't wait to tell my brother who our newest probie was.
After Probie school Mark joined us as part of our team. He was required to become an EMT and later I believe he was one of the first members to become a part of the newly formed HazMat Team. Used both on a citywide, as well as regional basis. Mark was also promoted to Lt a few years ago. He's the kind of dedicated officer that fire depts need to lead those under his command.
"NFDcanman" has been a member of this site since December, 2017.
"Sparky", I'm sure you've already enjoyed this site. I'm also sure you will fit right in because; "You're Into It".
By the way Mark, sometimes I see you guys riding by in the rigs. It still lights a "Spark in me", wishing that I was back riding in your seat. Whenever you see the Willy Ds Buffmobile out there, just give him a toot on the horn. "It'll make my day".
Members of Nycfire, I would like to introduce you to a Very Special Friend of mine who has recently become a member of this site.
But before I do, let me give you just a couple of facts about him. When you read them, you may understand why we have been good friends since 1989.
I would chase the fires in Bridgeport, Ct
He would chase the fires in New Haven, Ct
I was first introduced to the FDNY as a guest and riding with Brooklyn's Rescue 2
He was first introduced to the FDNY as a guest and riding with Manhattans Rescue 1
I once delivered mail to his house in one of the Richest Towns in Connecticut
Yet, a few years later we would work together in one of the Poorest Towns in Connecticut
He was originally from Canada before moving to Connecticut.
His father was the President of a large Telecommunications Company
There our lives were totally different but it sure didn't matter.
In 1989, "scarter", aka Stuie Carter, became a firefighter in Norwich, Ct. Not exactly what his parents might have expected their son to be.
The first day, I met Stuie, I said to him; "you came from Westport to work here" ? He said yes, because he just wanted to be a fireman.
From that day on, I could relate and we became the best of friends working together on the same shift and then in 1990, in the same firehouse, when I got promoted.
We would also buff the FDNY together.
Stuie always wanted to learn and for the most part he worked the busiest engine called Squad "A". As time went on, Stuie was ALWAYS willing to help teach younger guys about the job.
Over the years, he taught a lot of guys and I was very happy to see when he got promoted to Lt., then Captain, then Battalion Chief. In 2016 B/C Carter retired from the job.
He now works part time as a Flight Attendant for Jet Blue Airlines.
I think a couple of guys here might have met Stuie a few years ago at Maggie Mays in Bayside Queens.
We welcome my good friend, Stuie Carter, aka "scarter", as one of our newest members.
Don't throw the alarm clock out just have to dust it off & R & R it from time to time for early DR visits....after all isn't that what Ret is for be available for Dr. appts....hopefully yours will be few.Congratulations Joe on your well deserved retirement. Now you too can get plenty of food stains on your shirt as our commandant Captain "Tough" Willy D does. Enjoy your retirement and don't forget to throw out your alarm clock. You won't need it anymore.
Don't throw the alarm clock out just have to dust it off & R & R it from time to time for early DR visits....after all isn't that what Ret is for be available for Dr. appts....hopefully yours will be few.
Ain't it the truth, Chief. I've noticed . . . seems every new person I meet has the same last name . . . "Ologist".Don't throw the alarm clock out just have to dust it off & R & R it from time to time for early DR visits....after all isn't that what Ret is for be available for Dr. appts....hopefully yours will be few.
I make my doctor appts in the afternoon. No alarm clock needed.Don't throw the alarm clock out just have to dust it off & R & R it from time to time for early DR visits....after all isn't that what Ret is for be available for Dr. appts....hopefully yours will be few.
Me too always the last available one ...... fasting required or not.I make my doctor appts in the afternoon. No alarm clock needed.
Not me. I hate getting up in the AM . . . BUT . . . it's better than sitting in a waiting room for 2 hours because "he's been really busy today". Beats me how I can have the first appointment of the day, but the Doc is 20 minutes late because he was "with another patient".I make my doctor appts in the afternoon. No alarm clock needed.
So Ray, have you gotten a look at "another patient" that is causing him to be late. That lateness might be well justified.Not me. I hate getting up in the AM . . . BUT . . . it's better than sitting in a waiting room for 2 hours because "he's been really busy today". Beats me how I can have the first appointment of the day, but the Doc is 20 minutes late because he was "with another patient".![]()
Members of,
I just learned that one of our frequent contributors to this site has passed away on November 1st '20.
Frank Meade, aka "manhattan" passed away of natural causes in his apartment on West 23rd St in Manhattan at age 70. He would have been 71 on November 5th.
Frank did so much for the members of the FDNY, NYPD, and U.S. Military Veterans. He was very highly respected by the members of those services.
On the anniversary of September 11th he would play a major role in organizing the Father Judge Walk along with the late NYPD Officer Steven McDonald who was shot and paralyzed in Central Park. Officer McDonald passed away just a few years ago.
Frank also reorganized the Veterans Day Memorial Service at Chelsea Park in Manhattan on 9th Ave and 27th St.
I believe that Frank had served in the U.S. Coast Guard and he retired as an Administrator of a large section within a NYC Hospital.
Most recently, Frank started a fund raiser to buy meals for the members of NYPDs 10 Pct, and FDNY Firefighters Engine 3/Ladder 12, as well as the FDNY/EMS members. Frank posted that fund raiser on here and I know that some members contributed to that.
Frank was also very active in his local church.
Not only have "we" lost a good man, but "our entire society" has lost a good man as well. I know that he really enjoyed and appreciated reading the various topics on this site.
Frank was last on this site, the day he passed away on November 1st. We'll miss you Frank. You certainly served your purpose well while on this earth.
God Bless you Frank for all you did. Thank you and may you Rest in Peace.
Here is Frank at the Veterans Day Memorial Service on November 11, 2018
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