Aug 9, 2008
I give it a week before the cops go in "Hats and Bats" and clear these folks out.
May 6, 2010
http://www.ny1.com/content/150546/emt-injured-during--occupy--scuffle-downtown/ .......we do not have to put up w/this shit from these shitheads.....way past the time to clean house down there... b'bag said they could stay as long as they did not break the law .....what about breaking the leg of a Uniformed Member responding there to help ....laws are being broken there left & right..... let any legitimate protestors find a responsible platform elsewhere to voice their gripes ...that is if they really have any or are just there for a "happening".



Staff member
Dec 20, 2006
FDNY sop is all fire and ems are to use full bunker style and meet pd before entering park


Aug 8, 2009
Had to go by the Occupy DC camp ground in DC yesterday.  They are occupying a small park, McPherson Square, in downtown area.  More cops surrounding the campground than squatters.  The costs are significant to protect these individuals.  What a great way to help the economy and create new jobs and opportunities - protest.  Good way to share public parks and grounds - squat.  Too bad the press even gives them notice.
May 6, 2010
November 15, 2011

Police Begin Clearing Zuccotti Park of Protesters


The New York City police began clearing Zuccotti Park of the Occupy Wall Street protesters about 1 a.m. Tuesday, telling the people there that the camp would be ?cleared and restored? before the morning and that any demonstrator who did not leave would be arrested.

The protesters resisted with chants of ?Whose park? Our park!? as the police began moving in and tearing down tents. The protesters rallied around an area known as ?the kitchen? near the middle of the park and began building barricades with tables and pieces or scrap wood.

Dozens of officers moved into the one-square-block park from Broadway. As they did, dozens of protesters linked arms and shouted ?No retreat, no surrender,? ?this is our home? and ?barricade!? There were no immediate reports of arrests.

Before the police moved in, they set up a battery of klieg lights and aimed them into the park. A police captain wearing a visored helmet walked down Liberty Street with an announcement: ?The city has determined that the continued occupation of Zuccotti Park poses an increasing health and fire safety hazard.? The protesters were ordered to ?to immediately remove all private property? and that if they interfered with the police operation, they would be arrested. Property that was not removed, the police said, would be sent to the dump.

Some of the protesters grabbed their possessions. ?They?re not getting our tents down,? one man shouted. People milled around, and some headed to the edges of the park.

The action comes as other cities? police forces have begun evacuating similar protest camps, sometimes violently.

A handful of protesters first unrolled sleeping bags and blankets in Zuccotti Park on the night of Sept. 17, but in the weeks that followed, the park became densely packed with tents and small tarp villages that was shelter for the perhaps 200 protesters.

The protest inspired similar ones nationwide and attracted celebrities and well-known performers. It became a tourist attraction, inspired more than $500,000 in donations and gained the support of labor unions and elected officials while creating division within City Hall and the Police Department

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has struggled with how to respond. He repeatedly made clear that he does not support the demonstrators? arguments or their tactics, but he has also defended their right to protest and in recent days and weeks, has sounded increasingly exasperated, especially in the wake of growing complaints from neighbors about how the protest has disrupted the neighborhood and hurt local businesses.

The mayor met daily with several deputies and commissioners, as more business owners complaining and editorials lampooning him as gutless, the mayor?s patience wore thin.

More in N.Y. / Region (1 of 34 articles)
Experts Say N.Y. Police Dept. Isn?t Policing Itself
Read More ?

Jun 22, 2007
I was one who supported these Protesters in the beginning. I felt that "They" represented how many Americans had felt and what they were going through. How the Top Greedy Americans were living such Royal  lifestyles, while most Americans were struggling to survive.

  I know of a story how one Vice President of an Insurance Company recieved a Christmas Bonus of $65,000. And that was several years ago. Some of their employees were struggling to make that in Three Years. This Vice President also had several beautiful homes and of course his yaght.

  I wasn't complaining about myself either because I have a decent roof over my head and food to eat. But for some, through no choice of their own, they either lost that or never had it to begin with. I'm far from a "liberal" or Bleeding heart. But I felt these people (OWS's) were representing most Americans.

  Now I'm ashamed to say that I was completely Wrong. These people have caused injury to EMS and taken over a City Park that belongs to Everybody. They have cost NYC and other cities thousands of dollars. And as I see some of the conditions, they certainly don't represent me.

  I'm glad to see this get cleaned up. The Chief (68JK09) says bring in the bulldozers. I agree. I felt much earlier on it was time to bring in the dogs and nightsticks if they didn't move out.

  Now, the decent people of NYC can have their Park back. It belongs to them, not just a group of people who decide they have entire rights to it.

  Lets hope this is the end to it. What I first thought might be a good idea, turned out to be a diseaster.



Apr 16, 2008
nfd2004 said:
I just read on another site that a Court Order allows them to go back. True ??
Yes it's true!?  Unfortunately one of the liberal New York judges said they can go back.  Maybe a group of reasonably thinking people should occupy the judges front lawn!  He obviously doesn't realize what the term private property means so I'm sure he would welcome people with open arms.
Mar 8, 2007
FDNY should conduct a "pump test" for their new 2000gpm engines at the park which would also clean and flush the place out. ;D
Nov 9, 2008
Copy of letter from Brookfield Properties to Mayor Bloomberg that triggered the OWS removal

May 6, 2010
November 15, 2011

Police Begin Clearing Zuccotti Park of Protesters


The New York City police began clearing Zuccotti Park of the Occupy Wall Street protesters about 1 a.m. Tuesday, telling the people there that the camp would be ?cleared and restored? before the morning and that any demonstrator who did not leave would be arrested.

The protesters resisted with chants of ?Whose park? Our park!? as the police began moving in and tearing down tents. The protesters rallied around an area known as ?the kitchen? near the middle of the park and began building barricades with tables and pieces or scrap wood.

Dozens of officers moved into the one-square-block park from Broadway. As they did, dozens of protesters linked arms and shouted ?No retreat, no surrender,? ?this is our home? and ?barricade!? There were no immediate reports of arrests.

Before the police moved in, they set up a battery of klieg lights and aimed them into the park. A police captain wearing a visored helmet walked down Liberty Street with an announcement: ?The city has determined that the continued occupation of Zuccotti Park poses an increasing health and fire safety hazard.? The protesters were ordered to ?to immediately remove all private property? and that if they interfered with the police operation, they would be arrested. Property that was not removed, the police said, would be sent to the dump.

Some of the protesters grabbed their possessions. ?They?re not getting our tents down,? one man shouted. People milled around, and some headed to the edges of the park.

The action comes as other cities? police forces have begun evacuating similar protest camps, sometimes violently.

A handful of protesters first unrolled sleeping bags and blankets in Zuccotti Park on the night of Sept. 17, but in the weeks that followed, the park became densely packed with tents and small tarp villages that was shelter for the perhaps 200 protesters.

The protest inspired similar ones nationwide and attracted celebrities and well-known performers. It became a tourist attraction, inspired more than $500,000 in donations and gained the support of labor unions and elected officials while creating division within City Hall and the Police Department

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has struggled with how to respond. He repeatedly made clear that he does not support the demonstrators? arguments or their tactics, but he has also defended their right to protest and in recent days and weeks, has sounded increasingly exasperated, especially in the wake of growing complaints from neighbors about how the protest has disrupted the neighborhood and hurt local businesses.

The mayor met daily with several deputies and commissioners, as more business owners complaining and editorials lampooning him as gutless, the mayor?s patience wore thin.

More in N.Y. / Region (1 of 34 articles)
Experts Say N.Y. Police Dept. Isn?t Policing Itself
Read More ?

May 6, 2010
1645 hrs 11-15-11......Channel 7 tv news just reported that the judge has ruled.....protestors will be allowed back into the park but no tents or other overnight gear will be allowed.
Jun 2, 2009
68jk09 said:
1645 hrs 11-15-11......Channel 7 tv news just reported that the judge has ruled.....protestors will be allowed back into the park but no tents or other overnight gear will be allowed.
A proper ruling that will hopefully bring an abrupt and gradual end to this nonsense. The funniest thing about all of these protests were the musicians and Hollywood Stars going down to show their support. Meanwhile they were the 1% being protested against  ::)

Great Job Bloomberg, but why did you have to take so long ;)
May 6, 2010
May 6, 2010
Feb 4, 2010
68jk09 said:

I think its fair to say that guy in the video making the threats is now on NYPD's radar.

Len90 said:
68jk09 said:
1645 hrs 11-15-11......Channel 7 tv news just reported that the judge has ruled.....protestors will be allowed back into the park but no tents or other overnight gear will be allowed.
A proper ruling that will hopefully bring an abrupt and gradual end to this nonsense. The funniest thing about all of these protests were the musicians and Hollywood Stars going down to show their support. Meanwhile they were the 1% being protested against  ::)

Great Job Bloomberg, but why did you have to take so long ;)

Yeah for 30mins or so then off back to their BIG mansions to sleep in their warm beds lol

Jun 27, 2007
Grumpy understands things are really tough, my wife was out of work for 2+ years, we went on the Illinois WIC problem which is a debit card for an amount of food, ours was 500 per month. I was so embarassed to use the card but we were the unwilling receiptents of a system gone AMOK. Things are kinda good, we have food, a roof, etc but there are people who are not so lucky. WHERE DID THE COUNTRY GO SO FUCKING WRONG?  It was the middle class who made the limo's for WALL STREET, it was the middle class who made the steel for your high rise condo, it is the middle class who provides police protection for you in your ritzy, tight-ass neighborhood, and who provides fire protection when you burn your steaks and set off a smoke alarm. And it was the middle class who fought and died in Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan. I guess I have ranted on long enough but there are times when the candle burns my ass. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
May 6, 2010

Angry mother of EMT injured during Zuccotti Park raid praises crackdown

Lorna O'Farrell says FDNY son is one of 'real' 99%

BY John Doyle & Bill Hutchinson

Wednesday, November 16 2011, 12:18 AM

FDNY emergency medical technician Jason Dwyer with his mother, Lorna O'Farrell, a retired city paramedic

The angry mom of a first-responder injured in a Zuccotti Park scrum Mayor Bloomberg cited as a last straw praised Tuesday crackdown and called the protest ?anarchy.??They are not representing the 99%. My son is one of the 99%, trying to make a living,? said Lorna O?Farrell.

O?Farrell?s son, Jason Dwyer, 26, an FDNY emergency medical technician, had his ankle mangled Nov. 10 when he responded to a report of an emotionally disturbed homeless man in Zuccotti Park.

Dwyer was helping cops try to subdue Joshua Ehrenberg, 20, when pushing and shoving broke out and his leg got tangled in a ladder protruding between two tents.

?He was doing his job and it?s killing him that he is home,? said O?Farrell of Pennsylvania, whose son is on medical leave.

?I have been in situations like the Rikers [Island\] riots,? said O?Farrell, a retired city paramedic. ?This is just anarchy.?

Bloomberg cited Dwyer?s injury as one of a series incidents involving lawlessness that prompted him to order the Financial District park cleared.

O?Farrell said her son had taken a second job as a holiday elf at Macy?s despite being Jewish. ?So instead of asking for a handout, he was trying to do better on his own by getting a second job,? the mother said.

?They ruined his potential for overtime and have taken his second job away,? she said of the protesters.

She had no sympathy for the anti-greed Occupy Wall Street movement.

?It?s time for them to get out,? O?Farrell said. ?They are not getting their point across. I know, because people have lost jobs because they are there.?


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/angr....#i xzz1duapWZ3X

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/angr....#i xzz1dualRqks

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/angr....#i xzz1duaVlfEL 

Nov 9, 2008
Molotov Cocktail Threat
