Below is a copy of the last update (6/28/12) on the original order of twenty units. Have L 11 and L 3 received their new units yet???
Here is an UPDATED summary of the information I have been able to put together for the original order of twenty units:
Ferrara Numbering: Order of delivery according to Jack Lerch in FAJ In Service
4504 L 137 L 137 10/17/2011
4505 L 156 L 156 2/16/2012
4506 L 81 L 81 8/30/2011
4507 L 123 L 123 12/30/2012
4508 L 24 L 24 11/8/2011
4509 L 169 L 169 11/15/2011
4510 L 32 L 32 11/4/2011
4511 L 154 L 154 1/30/2012
4512 L 42 L 42 1/31/2012
4513 L 4 L 4 2/9/2012
4517 L 165 L 165 3/12/2012
4518 L 49 L 49 3/28/2012
4519 L 173 L 173 3/20/2012
4520 L38 L 38 4/13/2012
4521 L 29 L 29 4/5/2012
4522 L 8 L 8 6/26/2012
4523 L 113 L 113 5/16/2012
4524 L 132 L 132 6/21/2012
4525 L 11 L 11
4526 L 3 L 3
Total 20 units
TWO units to go! (on the original order of twenty)
Courtesy FAJ:137, 156, 81, 123, 24, 169, 32, 154, 42, 4, 165, 49, 173, 38, 29, 8, 113, 132, 11, and 3. This is a 3 year order of 6, 4, and 10. Units will be assigned in order of delivery.
Updated: 6/28/2012