FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies - 2nd Section

"mack", aka Joe M., now I understand where you got your user name from on this site.

You must be very proud of ads like "First with the Most" and "The Pick of the Pros". I remember seeing these ads and how GREAT those "mack" fire trucks were.

Years after the FDNY put those Mack Rigs to work during the very busy FDNY War Years, some of those beat up Mack Pumpers and Mack Tower Ladders moved on to continue doing what they did best.

Busy places like Providence, RI had purchased TWO "used" FDNY Tower Ladders (13 and 114 - I think ?). Providence didn't have a lot of money to spend on new fire trucks and I remember seeing those two tower ladders parked outside the Providence FD Shops. They had been through a war and it showed.

Then I get word that these two rigs have been restored and are now being put into front line service. They will be assigned to the two busiest ladder companies in the city - Ladder 1 and Ladder 2. Well needless to say, they served the city well. It was amazing to see that these two Firefighting War Horses could continue to perform for many years after. Later on Ladder 2 moved to become Ladder 3, as that areas work started to pick up.

I was told that the guys at the Providence Shops agreed to do most of the rehab work on those trucks themselves. "THEY DID A GREAT JOB" and the city sure got it's money's worth.

Places like Chelsea, Mass also put a former FDNY Mack, War Years Tower Ladder in front line service. A very congested city just out side of Boston, known for one of the largest conflagrations in the history of the fire service.

Even my home town put a used FDNY Mack pumper to work after it served during those busy FDNY War Years. The Yantic Volunteer Fire Dept put it to work for several years. Then the Norwich FD, where I was working at the time, put it in service as a reserve rig.

Whenever we would use it, I had more confidence in that old war horse than in our newer, much prettier, air conditioned, automatic transmission, original piece. I wasn't the only one either. Of course the guys who buffed the FDNY loved it and it didn't take too long for the rest of the guys to love it too. 
Just do not understand the concept of Combined Fire Companies. If one goes they both go, so if the run only requires the use of one company the other sits idely by.