FDNY Chief Officer Cars and Vehicles


This 1958 Ahrens-Fox Model ECB750 was one of the last of the ?new? Ahrens-Fox designs. Designed by Curt Nepper and Frank Greisser, only a few were produced before the plant and fire engine design were purchased by the Mack Fire Engine Division. It is now in the Cincinnati Fire Museum.
See caption for photo 4

About a dozen years ago, maybe more, I attended an antique apparatus muster at the USMMA at Kings Point. Strolling through the lines of rigs I came upon a Mack C Model (thanks for the correction 811)...except that it wasn?t...covered cab...but it held an Ahrens Fox, not Mack, ID disk affixed on the front below the windshield. On the side was a laminated placard explaining how Mack had gobbled up Ahrens Fox the company and glommed the C Model design.
Mack and Ahrens Fox were not the only ones to use the Beck cab.  Approved Fire Equipment of Rockville Centre (and later Island Park) NY built a few (4, I think) of them.  This one was a 1957 model, delivered to Hempstead NY's Eagle Engine 1.  John Toomey photo.

Not to be outdone, Hempstead's South Side Hose 2 also bought a Beck cab, but this one was an Ahrens Fox, FCB-750 #2005. R. Stegner photo.  Now . . . lets get this thread back to it's title info : Chief Cars & Vehicles.

Returning to topic, here's a rig Johnny Gage may recognize . . . Battalion 27 responding from 82/31 in Aug 1977.  It's a 1970's Plymouth Fury.  Johnny Floyd photo.  Another interesting thing about the pic . . . it shows some of the POS vehicles that the 82/31 members brought to the house.  I bet you had to push those VWs to get them started.

fdce54 said:
fdce54 said:
JohnnyGage said:
I saw this photo, I am interested about the rig. When I was a young lad in Canarsie, I saw this type of rig responding down Rockaway Pkwy, I noticed the high windshield, the canvas covering. I know the photo doesn't show much, but maybe one of you eagle eyed detectives can identify the make and model of this war horse...thanks!

Dan, that pumper looks like a 1953 Ward LaFrance with the riot roof and tarp over the hose bed. I know I had seen a photo of one of these on another site.
Maybe this is what it is.....
Just one more Ray....please, please......

Last one for today.  A '53 Ford (40th Bn?) parked behind L109's 1953 ALF.  Date and photographer unknown.

Frank:  step to the front of the classroom and hold out your hands.  Sister Mary Virginal has her ruler cocked and ready for you.  Consider yourself chastised.
raybrag said:
Frank:  step to the front of the classroom and hold out your hands.  Sister Mary Virginal has her ruler cocked and ready for you.  Consider yourself chastised.
LOL!!! Been there.
You're just lucky she had the ruler instead of her pointer, which she used on me.  That thing really stung.  And now, viewers, back to the show.  8)
raybrag said:
Returning to topic, here's a rig Johnny Gage may recognize . . . Battalion 27 responding from 82/31 in Aug 1977.  It's a 1970's Plymouth Fury.  Johnny Floyd photo.  Another interesting thing about the pic . . . it shows some of the POS vehicles that the 82/31 members brought to the house.  I bet you had to push those VWs to get them started.

Yes, I recall it was positioned on an angle between the rigs to exit from 82's bay. Two thoughts, I am pretty sure the light blue VW belongs to Dick Bittles (RIP). I was riding onetime, he was the LCC. He had to move his car toward the end of the tour for incoming troops. After he moved it, he popped out and said to me and Jack how he almost punched his left "clutch" foot through the floorboard after driving 31 all day. I remember that as clear as yesterday.

The second interesting note is that the two story "loft" type commercial structure is now gone...Great belgium block street shot, too.
fdce54 said:
fdce54 said:
fdce54 said:
JohnnyGage said:
I saw this photo, I am interested about the rig. When I was a young lad in Canarsie, I saw this type of rig responding down Rockaway Pkwy, I noticed the high windshield, the canvas covering. I know the photo doesn't show much, but maybe one of you eagle eyed detectives can identify the make and model of this war horse...thanks!

Dan, that pumper looks like a 1953 Ward LaFrance with the riot roof and tarp over the hose bed. I know I had seen a photo of one of these on another site.
Maybe this is what it is.....
Just one more Ray....please, please......

Yes, yes, yes! That's the rig...at my grandmothers funeral in 1968, E 257 came screeching by followed by L 170 down past the funeral parlor on Rockaway Pkwy... Both rigs made a helluva impression on this young lad..since I call the ALF tillers "dragsters",  I'd have to refer to these 53 WLF  affectionately as "Rat-rods"...Now imagine them two racing by...

Thanks for posting, made my day!
1975 Pontiac LeMans station wagon.  Says "33" on the light bar, "863" on the FDNY plate.  Parked outside 330/172 in 1976. Marvin H. Cohen photo.

raybrag said:
1975 Pontiac LeMans station wagon.  Says "33" on the light bar, "863" on the FDNY plate.  Parked outside 330/172 in 1976. Marvin H. Cohen photo.

That was Battalion 33's station wagon.
Obviously not, lol, I saw the 33 and thought of the MD. The firehouse it was in front of was also another clue to what 33 it was. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa. Oh well..
Wow, Me thought the 33 was a given, saw that softball question and stayed away from that...thanks 69Mets, Gary, like a Koosman curve ball got 'em looking ....could be wrong but I think the med officer came in an unmarked car...leave it up to you experts...

CAR 33 TODAY....  https://www.google.com/search?q=VEHICLE+OF+FDNY+MEDICAL+OFFICER&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=d14hCCKFCnR_pM%253A%252C38VBTpf-6VzhKM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSq8Qo3B_WTrWmZ2BonINT2b6MzJQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6-Yq5iLjjAhUOZd8KHXx_BL8Q9QEwDHoECAMQCg#imgrc=d14hCCKFCnR_pM:
JohnnyGage said:
Wow, Me thought the 33 was a given, saw that softball question and stayed away from that...thanks 69Mets, Gary, like a Koosman curve ball got 'em looking ....could be wrong but I think the med officer came in an unmarked car...leave it up to you experts...

I cheated JG, I drove that wagon a couple of times when I was in L156.

"Liber-tary Three Seven Four is ninety-eight!"