JohnnyGage said:
Back then, The Rock was the "perfect place" to get FDNY photos

it sure was a great meeting place, too!
Yes my friends, Johnny is right. In fact that was where I actually got to meet Mr Johnny Gage, (back then he told me his name was Dan, though).
Somewhere out there exist a photo of a guy by the name of Johnny Gage, as the chaffer of then, a brand new FDNY Ladder 5.
Who would believe then, probably 20 plus years later, that we would be reading his stories about those "Glory Days", now with over 145,000 views, and following the "Vintage FDNY War Lids", with another 192,000 plus views.
Maybe someday we can all get to read about the day, when Mr Johnny Gage was the chaffer of that shiny new hook and ladder truck # 5, and a young fire buff wanted to take a picture of it. I remember after taking a half dozen pictures or so of it, he invited me down to visit at the firehouse. I didn't go down there because I knew how tough it was trying to drive into all that Manhattan traffic. Now, I wish I did.
But anyway, as it turned out, a few decades later Mr Johnny Gage has joined us here and Johnny and I are good friends. All because of a guy who was driving a ladder truck took the time to park it just in the right place and make a FDNY buffs day.
So THANK YOU Mr Gage, (I know you told me just to call you Johnny though). But THANK YOU for all you did for me that day.
Thank you for the nice collector cups you presented to many of us in honor of those Glory Days.
Thank you for the special collectors cup you gave to me also.
Thank you for all your GREAT Stories and pictures you put up here for all of us to enjoy.
I hope that Santa Clause (No it's NOT "mikeindabronx", although he has fooled many, including myself) is good to you.
I may be getting a little off track here, but Thanksgiving Day will very soon be here. I know that "I" have a lot to be THANKFUL for, including the many great people I have gotten to meet here on this web site.