FDNY Pumpers awarded to KME

SP 02021 E 287.....SP 02022 E 73 ( New 2014 Seagrave already numbered for 73 )... SP 02023 E 274.....SP 02025 E 268.....SP 02026 E 295.....SP 02027 E 60..,,,SP 02028 E 89..., SP 02030 E 153.....SP 02031 E 97.....SP 02032 E 251.....SP 02033 E 70.....SP 02034 E 71.....SP 02035 E 83.....SP 02036 E 52.....SP 02037 E 220.....SP 02038 E 306.....SP 02039 E 224.....SP 02040 E 228.....SP 02041 E 259.....SP 02042 E 313.....SP 02043 E 247..... SP 02044 E 262.....SP 02045 E 286.... SP 03001 E 319.....

WITH THE 7 SEAGRAVE ADD ON's  I WOULD FIGURE THAT E 287.. .E 274...E 268...E 295... E 60 and E 89 WILL GET THE  REMAINING 2014 SEAGRAVES......

I'm not sure about the 7 add on seagraves, I thought those were a result of losses in sandy ?
Yes they did order the additional 7 Seagraves  with the Sandy money along with a lot of other special units, ect...
Rich I am now really sure but if the new 2014 Seagraves are going to be replacing rigs by Reg#s as they have in the past I would think so. I along with others are waiting to see what company gets the next new Seagrave....Since it appears that E 73 is getting SP 14006 I would guess the other 6 rigs are either completed or near completion ....Time will tell....Hopefully I will have more news by Friday..
I know its been mentioned about the Foam and Brush rigs....any tentative delivery dates for those?  And how about new Tactical Support Units?  Hasn't TSU 1 been using the Mack MR/General Heavy rescue for the last few months? 
atlanticfiretrucks said:
I know its been mentioned about the Foam and Brush rigs....any tentative delivery dates for those?  And how about new Tactical Support Units?  Hasn't TSU 1 been using the Mack MR/General Heavy rescue for the last few months?

No thread hijacking  ;)
The second KME FDNY truck is on it's way to the big FDIC show going on this coming week. The first truck is finally being delivered either today or tomorrow. When I get a chance I'll take pictures of the second truck.
AuxWarYearsCapt said:
The first KME pumper KP 14001 which is already lettered CTS , was accepted and delivered to the shops on Friday.
Does that mean that all inspections, changes and the tests were passed (hill climb - pump test - etc ) ?? Or do they accept it and then begin with putting it through the paces before they officially accept the design ? Hopefully they work out and start coming in to get some of these very tired rigs off the road !
The  2nd.  KME pumper has been completed and numbered for Engine 153 on Staten Island..

The rig is currently is in IN.    One.of the members in my group posted it....

As I stated in a previous post , the first 7 engine companys  that I listed starting with SP 02021  E 287 are getting the new 2014 Seagraves.......The. 8th company listed E 153 Staten Island will get the first front line unit to get it......
AuxWarYearsCapt said:
The  2nd.  KME pumper has been completed and numbered for Engine 153 on Staten Island..

The rig is currently im in IN.    One.of the members in my group posted it....

As I stated in a previous post , the first 7 engine companys  that I listed starting with E 287 are getting the new 2014 Seagraves.......The. 8th company listed E 153 as I stated....the Staten Island engines will not  get the 750 gal tanks....
  Well 153 is not a 750 ga. tank engine but what about 156, 158, 163 ?
very interesting that Staten Island Companies will no long have 750 gallon boster tanks. Surprising considering the amount of brush fires that they respond to. Could this be an oversight by the people that made up the specs ? Retrofitting, after the delivery I would imagine would be physically impossible to do.
G-Man.....When we were at the BBQ Friday night we were speaking about that...Jerry does not think there are any 750 gal since they are all 2000gpm
auxlteng225 said:
very interesting that Staten Island Companies will no long have 750 gallon boster tanks. Surprising considering the amount of brush fires that they respond to. Could this be an oversight by the people that made up the specs ? Retrofitting, after the delivery I would imagine would be physically impossible to do.
I'm sure it's not an oversight, FDNY spends too much time writing specifications to overlook something like that.  It's more likely they decided that those companies could work with the smaller tanks just as well.  Obviously there are situations like the brushfires you mentioned were a bigger tank is helpful but not something that is needed for most of their runs.  By having all of the pumpers with the same tank size it makes everything interchangeable which is very helpful when you have as much equipment as FDNY has.  By the way you are correct, retrofitting to a larger tank is nearly impossible in most cases and is certainly impractical.  Since these trucks have such a low hose bed I suppose the hose that could be raised and a larger tank put in but I'm betting that won't be done.
If you guys look back a few posts you will see the list of company's starting with 153 that will be getting the new KMEs....Once they get to a S.I. unit that has a 750 tank, we will see....I really don't think so though....