68jk09 said:WILLY the new patches are in..... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Culvers-patches-FROZEN-CUSTARD-BUTTERBURGERS-RESTAURANT-logo-patch-iron-on/282843553211?hash=item41daca1dbb:g:5NEAAOSwhiZaf07e
They had better build one in Norwich if they know what's good for them.grumpy grizzly said:Raybrag is right, there are none in the Northeast according to their web site location map.
Now here we are doing our best to get this great burger company to open a franchise in your neck of the woods for your dining pleasure and you don't show us any appreciation. I know I'm hurt by this and I'll bet Ray and Jack are too.nfd2004 said:Here is a very quick song (you may have to replay it to hear it) that asks the question that is on my mind:
raybrag said:There aren't any in Virginia, Steve. Closest one is in Wake Forest, NC (long way to go for lunch for me). Sad thing is that that's probably the closest one to Willy also. Chain is primarily in the midwest, with a few in Georgia & the Carolinas.
fdce54 said:Now here we are doing our best to get this great burger company to open a franchise in your neck of the woods for your dining pleasure and you don't show us any appreciation. I know I'm hurt by this and I'll bet Ray and Jack are too.nfd2004 said:Here is a very quick song (you may have to replay it to hear it) that asks the question that is on my mind:
I think one of these samples should be impounded and express mailed to Norwich, Connecticut for further inspection.Disp51 said:As a result of replies 935 & 936, a detail was assigned to inspect the Charlotte (NC) Culver's. An example of the result of that inspection is posted below. All hands were fully involved, but upon taking up there was nothing left to bring back to quarters. It has been decided that a mandatory reinspection of the premises will be completed in the not to distant future.