News of Members

Mar 3, 2007
I'm with Grumpy on this one. I always thought it was a reference to a particular mode of transportation for an Irishman who may have had a little too much spirits and was being removed from public view.
I don't know if I would frequent a joint called "the paddy wagon" (ps - lower case is intentional)
Jun 22, 2007
mikeindabronx said:

Mike, aka "mikeindabronx", it seems you have come to the right place for the answer to that question.

With us of course, from across the Big Pond, we have our own expert on Irish Pubs. I'm talking about (Mr) "Irish" himself, aka Declan B., good friend to many here. A young man who has spent many hours in those Irish Pubs exactly where it all began.

We are also very fortunate enough to have with us, a member closer to our home, born and raised, who grew up traveling the Boro of the Bronx hitting every Irish Pub in sight. New York City's most famous Irish Pub Expert, Mr Frank D., aka "fdce54".
Let me also add, not only in the Bronx, but his work has recently expanded into parts of Westchester County these days.

Of course the City of Boston, aka "Beantown" has been known to have some of the best Irish Pubs as well. Maybe the "grumpy grizzly" might be able to comment on them, being from the Boston area.

So the guys that would be able to comment best on this latest invention of the 21st Century are here among us.

Will they be able to predict the success or failure of this program ?

Will their opinions affect the daily Dow Jones Stock Market readings ?

Should "YOU" invest now ?

Will the term "Paddy Wagon" take on a new meaning from what it used to be ?

Our EXPERTS here may be able to answer those questions for us.
Jun 22, 2007
Although he has never been a member of this site, many of the guys here have met him in the past.

He was a buff of the FDNY during their very busy FDNY War Years and into the late 1990s.

As a buff he was a part of the stories in the history section on here described as "My Younger Buff Years" beginning in April, 2009.

He was also a part of history in the thread titled "Oh Those Busy Fourth of July's" written here beginning July 4, 2009.

Recently after loosing track of him for a few years, we caught up again. Talking about our buffing the FDNY Days together. Talking about some of the GREAT People he met from here.

His name is Ken Kelly and he is doing quite well at 95 years old.

A U.S. Army Veteran who served during World War II, he still loves talking about those early buffing days of the FDNY, along with a few other places he would also hang out in.

Other favorites of his were his home town of Bridgeport, Ct., where he would ride with my brother, a member of that department, during their own set of busy War Years in the late 70s and into the 1980s. Also he was a big fan of the Newark/Jersey City, NJ and Providence, RI Fire Depts.

At 95 years old, other than a hearing aid and a cane if he walks far, he's doing very well these days.

He does visit the West Haven, Ct Veterans Hospital for routine check ups once in awhile. The doctors and nurses there are amazed at his alertness and his good health.

In fact he told me a story that I'd like to pass onto you during one of those visits.

While waiting in the office, it was time for him to have his examination. They then asked him, "Sir did you bring in Mr Kelly". Thinking he was the driver who brought in this 95 year old veteran.
He said: "No mam - I AM MR KELLY".
They could not believe it.

I have a picture of him that I took about three years ago in front of the World War II Monument in Bridgeport, Ct (State St and Broad St). I hope to get my friend Brad Y (signal73) to post it here for me. 
May 6, 2010
I had the pleasure of having dinner with Ken when Willy brought him to Bayside.....a remarkable fellow....glad to hear he is doing well.
Jan 20, 2014
Signal73 said:
No need for a thank you. Just doing my best to help make this site great

Not much sleep when you have a 7 month old at home

Never forget her waking me up when they dropped a 2nd Alarm in Queens lol. It?s like she knew

Almost 8 Months already to buff jobs

Jun 22, 2007
Thanks Brad, aka "signal73", a lot of guys got their start just like that.

Before you know it, the younger Ms Young just might become "Probie Young". It happens all the time.

I got a couple more photos of "Pre-Probies", who want to be some of the next Bravest.

So on this site we have Retired Firefighters, Active Firefighters, and now "Pre-Probie" Firefighters. 

Each one is already into it and have told me personally that they want to be firefighters. I tell them, "that's what a lot of us said when we were Pre-Probies too". 
Jan 20, 2014
Here are a few more pics of my step sons

The youngest Christian during his battle (that he won) with cancer had support from FDs all over the world!! He also made it on the riding list of FDNY R1 & 4 Truck

He has his own Facebook page. FireTrucksForChristian

Jun 22, 2007
Brad, what a GREAT Story that is about your step son. Also thank you for posting the pictures for me too.

In the top and lower photos (above) we have "Pre-Probie" members of the Bendick family, this sites administrators.

Center photo is "Pre-Probie" Firefighter Gary H., who told me he wants to be on a big ladder truck like the one near his house. 
Jun 22, 2007
Congratulations to grandson and nephew, John "T", of the Bendick Family on his new job with the FDNY/EMS. He was sworn in today (February 11th) and he will begin his training at Fort Totten in Queens by the end of the month.

John "T" is a great young guy and I have confidence that he will be an asset to the FDNY/EMS, as well as the citizens and visitors to New York City.

I understand that his previous place of employment gave him a party in appreciation for the job he did during that employment. Even a few employees who were off for the day stopped by to wish John "T" all the best.

Of course his grandfather, Retired FDNY Capt John Bendick, and his uncle Active FDNY Lt Tommy Bendick, are the administrators of this web site.

Best Wishes John "T" for a safe and happy career with the FDNY/EMS.
May 6, 2010
DENNIS ?.....