News of Members

Jun 22, 2007
Thank you mack and friends. This is NOT the first time I've ever won a prize eating contest.

Way back around 1975, as a young new firefighter probie, the guys were cooking up some great pasta and sauce. Being a young probie, I tried not to eat too much because I didn't know if I'd be allowed to do it. But, the guys told me, "no go ahead, eat as much as you want".

Well, that day I was really kind of hungry, so I figured, "they told me it's okay and there was plenty left over". So I just continued to help myself. I wondered why the guys didn't leave the kitchen table. I think they wanted to see for themselves.

After it was over, they told me, "it was really a pasta and sauce eating contest and guess what probie". "You won the contest". Then they told me "I had some potential". I thought it was about being a good fireman, but I later found out they were talking about winning an eating contest.

I had a big following and most of the guys would put their money on me. I guess that's how it all started. I am no longer that slim 185 lb probie that I was back in 1975. But I sure won a lot of contest.
Jan 20, 2014
Signal73 said:
Signal73 said:
Signal73 said:
No need for a thank you. Just doing my best to help make this site great

Not much sleep when you have a 7 month old at home

Never forget her waking me up when they dropped a 2nd Alarm in Queens lol. It?s like she knew

Almost 8 Months already to buff jobs

And at just shy of 10 Months. She along with her brother buffed their 1st in Manhattan

Christian took in a 2nd Alarm in Da Bronx today

Every time we go to New York he seems to catch work

Few weeks ago he caught a car fire in Coney Island

Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:
Willy D asked me to post these ones

Brad, aka "signal73", a long, long time ago, I took in my first job with my father too. It was long before scanners were even thought of. We were on our way home and we could see a lot of smoke. It wasn't too far from my house and we took it in. My father knew a couple of guys there because he worked with them. We stayed there a pretty long time and I was sure impressed watching those guys doing the same kind of job that my father was doing.

A little while goes by and I get a brand new bicycle for my birthday. I could go pretty fast with it, so I start chasing the fire trucks whenever I hear them. Sometimes I could see some smoke and I didn't have to go looking for them.

The years go by and now I get my own car. Just about that time crystal controlled radios start to come out and now I can hear the calls as they happen. I'm chasing the calls all over the City of Bridgeport. It becomes my favorite hobby. I watch those guys work and just how they do it. I see them putting the aerial ladder to the roof and climbing it with tools. I see the guys stretching lines and hooking up to the hydrant. I even stay to watch the guys pick up the hose and roll it up.

I'm out there in all kinds of weather, it didn't matter if it was the coldest January nights or the hottest August days. "I was hooked".

Then a buddy of mine says to me; "Willy, you're not listening to New York on your scanner" ? I'm hearing it on "his" scanner while we talk. Turns out that it's Manhattan on 154.25 MHz, the same as nearby Milford, Ct. So my buffing days of the FDNY are about to begin. Around the same time I get invited to ride with Rescue 2 by a firefighter at Engine 210, while I was working at a drug store. "I am totally hooked". The timing is perfect. Now I'm riding Rescue 2 and I also start to chase the fires in Harlem. The FDNY War Years are beginning.

Then "Report from Engine 82" comes out. Now I'm chasing fires in the South Bronx AND Harlem. The place is burning up. Every time I go there I'm watching these guys work. Plus I'm still chasing fires in Bridgeport.

Around 1976/1977, Bushwick is burning heavy. I head out there and I am introduced to more fire activity. Places like Williamsburg, Bed-Sty, and Brownsville are burning too. But I think most of you guys heard this story before.

Well Brad, "signal73", my point is: I guess it all started about the same time when I was Christian's age. And it all started with my father taking me to buff a fire. That was maybe........64-65 years ago ?

I guess as the years have gone by, I don't chase too many fires these days. But I still enjoy watching the videos and seeing the pictures the guys post on this site and guys like you who give us the rundowns on the jobs. Not only the FDNY - but all over.

Maybe in the not too distant future, young guys like your son Christian, and the young fire buffs posted in those pictures will someday do what so many of us do these days. Buffing the jobs and maybe even a few becoming firefighters. "Yes, I think they all have the makings".

Jun 22, 2007
Member Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385", wanted me to pass on to the members here that he has been in the hospital for a medical condition for about the last three weeks. He is currently in a rehab center in New Jersey.

Some of us know Steve from a couple of Get Togethers where we visited Staten Island and Far Rockaway Queens. It was shortly after storm Sandy, as we saw the damage that was caused.

Steve grew up in the Bronx (Throgs Neck - I think) and was an Auxiliary Firefighter with Engine 96. He wanted me to pass onto the membership how much he enjoys this site but he is unable to go on it right now because he does not have use of the internet at the rehab center.

He has talked about the friendships he has acquired since becoming a member here and Steve asked me to pass this on. I myself can relate to that as well.

In talking with Steve about his medical condition, I think there could be some concern, and of course we wish our good friend, site member Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385", all the best. 
Jun 22, 2007
nfd2004 said:
Congratulations to Lt Jay Walsh, aka "hosewagon", on his retirement from the FDNY. Jay had worked as a firefighter in Engine 75 and as Lt in Engine 59.

I met Jay through his father, Retired Hartford Fire Capt John Walsh, later to become the Chief of the Willimantic FD. A small department in Eastern, Ct of about 30 full time members.

Like so many, Jay comes from a Fire Dept family. As mentioned, his father now 82 years old, still loves talking about the job.

Jay also has a brother Paul, who is a Deputy Chief in the New Britain, Ct Fire Dept. Paul is known for his EXCELLENT FDNY and fire dept paintings.

Jay's nephew Matt, is also a young firefighter in New Haven, Ct where he works one of their busiest companies - Squad 2.

Best wishes Jay for a well deserved, happy, and healthy retirement.

Willy D

The Family Tradition continues to grow despite the retirement of FDNY Lt Jay Walsh, aka "hosewagon".

Recently his two nephews, Tyler, and Christopher, were hired as firefighters in Middletown, Connecticut. Both younger members of the Walsh family will attend the same Probie Class together as well.

Their Grandfather John, is a Retired Hartford Fire Captain, who later became the Chief of Department in Willimantic, Ct. I believe he was one of five brothers who were also volunteer firefighters. And John's father was a Volunteer Fire Chief in the Blue Hills (?) Fire Dept in Connecticut.

Jays nephew Matt, is also a Firefighter in New Haven, Ct

Their father Paul, is a Deputy Chief in the New Britain, Ct Fire Dept.

Adding up the total number of family members active or retired today we have:

  One Career Fire Chief/Fire Captain  (retired)      - 1
  One Career Deputy Fire Chief                          - 1
  One Career Fire Lt  (retired)                            - 1
  One Career Firefighter                                    - 1
  Two New Probie Firefighters                            - 2
                                                    TOTAL      -  6 (Two Retired, Four Active)
Jun 22, 2007
nfd2004 said:
Member Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385", wanted me to pass on to the members here that he has been in the hospital for a medical condition for about the last three weeks. He is currently in a rehab center in New Jersey.

Some of us know Steve from a couple of Get Togethers where we visited Staten Island and Far Rockaway Queens. It was shortly after storm Sandy, as we saw the damage that was caused.

Steve grew up in the Bronx (Throgs Neck - I think) and was an Auxiliary Firefighter with Engine 96. He wanted me to pass onto the membership how much he enjoys this site but he is unable to go on it right now because he does not have use of the internet at the rehab center.

He has talked about the friendships he has acquired since becoming a member here and Steve asked me to pass this on. I myself can relate to that as well.

In talking with Steve about his medical condition, I think there could be some concern, and of course we wish our good friend, site member Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385", all the best.

Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385", tells me he is going for more medical test today (7/26). Although Steve has no internet service at the rehab center, I told him that I had posted his condition on this site. I think he has told me in the past that his daughter is a nurse. So I'm sure she knows where to get the best care for him, and the best doctors as well, plus helping him with his condition.

But, this web site is where he has met a lot of his friends over the last few years.

When I called him yesterday he responded and quickly picked up the phone. He certainly sounded upbeat. Although he is dealing with what most of us would consider to be a serious illness.

Of course a large percentage of our conversation was about the fire department. Like so many of us here, Steve is into it and has been for many years. We talked for about 15 minutes. That conversation ended only because he told me his battery on the phone was almost dead. So I told him that I would keep in touch and call him again.

Any members who would like to send Steve some Get Well Wishes, just send me a private message (NFD2004) and I'll make sure he gets that message. I would like to get the address of where he is staying so that I can send him a BIG Get Well Card, with all the messages and user names on there. I'm "SURE" that would make his day.

Steve is 69 years old but confined to this rehab center. There are members here who are older and close to Steve's age, myself included. But I can get up and do whatever, or go wherever I feel like today. So many people can't do that, including so many who today are still paying the price from the 9-11 Attacks.
Jun 22, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Probie wannabe Gracian Bendick on July 26th, son of FDNY Lt Tommy Bendick (this site owner) and Grandson of Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick (this site administrator).

Young Probie wannabe Bendick tells us: "Yes members of my daddy's and grandpa's fire dept web site - I am now one year closer to getting on the job".

Jan 20, 2014
Happy Birthday Gracian

May I also add today July 26th is my son Christian?s 8th Birthday

A Buff and fire fighting in the making as well

Awesome how 2 future fire fighters were born on the same day

Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:
Happy Birthday Gracian

May I also add today July 26th is my son Christian’s 8th Birthday

A Buff and fire fighting in the making as well

Awesome how 2 future fire fighters were born on the same day

nfd2004 said:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Probie wannabe Gracian Bendick on July 26th, son of FDNY Lt Tommy Bendick (this site owner) and Grandson of Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick (this site administrator).

Young Probie wannabe Bendick tells us: "Yes members of my daddy's and grandpa's fire dept web site - I am now one year closer to getting on the job".


Two of our youngest members here, Gracin and Christian, both "Wanna Be Probie Firefighters" having their Birthdays on the SAME DAY. I'm sure we all hope you guys had yourselves a GREAT DAY celebrating.

Well guys, yes, you are now One Year CLOSER to being able to get on the job that so many others before you considered themselves so lucky to have. BUT.......They sure don't give these jobs away. Not at all. It will take a lot of work on YOUR part to get yourselves into one of those Probie Schools.

1) You got to eat the right foods, including those vegetables because to be a firefighter, you got to healthy and strong.

2) When your mommy or daddy tells you to do a chore like clean up your room or pick up your toys, you got to do that too. Just like guys in the firehouse have to keep the firehouse clean and when the boss tells them to do it, just like your mommy and daddy, "they got to do it too".

3) You got to study hard and do your best in school because when you need to take test to get on the fire dept and if you do get into Probie School, they got test there too that you got to do good on.

4) And this is very important, no matter what you do. You got to stay out of trouble and be a good boy. That's not only true for you but as all of us adults know, "we got to obey the law". Otherwise we could go to jail.

Well guys, these are just a few pointers to try and get you on the right track to your Probie Firefighter Days. And before you know it, if you kind of follow that in only another 10 years or so, you guys will be training and preparing yourselves to work on getting into that Probie School. I'm sure that there's plenty of guys here that could also guide you in the right direction when that time comes.

I DO know this, I hope that I'm around to see that happen. I'm sure there are others here as well. I would sure love to be invited to your Probie Graduation.

Then guess what, those years you will spend fighting fires, helping thousands of people, will go by very fast. Maybe you raise your own wanna be probies too and they want to be just like their daddy.

Then guess what, you'll be retiring from the job you loved doing so much. It will be a bitter/sweet moment when you walk out those doors that you worked so hard to get into. But it will be time for the next wanna be probie to do what you did and loved doing for those many years. Then maybe you will write here, your stories of your generation as firefighters.

And Gracian and Christian, 50 years after you started probie school, you too can have a 50th Probie School Reunion just like our good friends FDNY Retired Battalion Chief Jack Kleehaas (68jk09) and Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick (jbendick) did last October, along with many other of their Probie School Members from around the country.

Christian, I got a couple of pictures from that reunion and I'm going to see if your daddy will post them here for me. I was an invited guest because during the FDNY War Years, I watched them fighting so many fires. So I was NOT a part of that Probie School Class of 1968. Only a buff who watched them work hundreds of times - 30, 40 years ago.

Good luck Gracian and Christian, a lot of us have been in your shoes a long time ago and understand perfectly just how you feel. But like you guys were told here, we did what we were supposed to and today many of us still talk about the job we loved doing.

We all have our God Given talents and abilities. Everybody can't, and maybe don't want to be firefighters. But if a few years from now, if that is what you want, you got to work at getting it. You know what they say. "If you love your job you never work a day in your life". I think that holds true for a lot of us here.
Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:
Willy D asked me to post these


I must say, it was an HONOR for me to be invited as a guest to that 50th Year Reunion of the 1968 FDNY Probie School Members.  Those GREAT FDNY War Years Firefighters who were a part of it from it's very beginning. I'm sure many of them were once "wanna be probie firefighters" themselves, just like Gracian and Christian today.

A couple of birthday celebrations that brought out generations of firefighters who once were maybe young wanna be's too.
Jun 22, 2007
So where has our good friend ?mack?, aka Joe Materia been ? The guy who holds the record for the most viewed thread on here - ?FDNY Firehouses and Fire Companies?. He hasn?t been around for awhile so we did a little investigating.

First of all, mack is fine. I think he?s been riding as Chiefs Aide to B/C Steve Elliot, ?fltpara16? down there in Virginia. But where was ?mack? when Steve really needed him, the other day at a good job in a furniture warehouse ?

Anyway, ?mack? is doing fine. Just a little issue with his internet service.

We hope to see ?mack? back on here soon. Great stories, photos, and videos that he has contributed.
Oct 26, 2007
Mack is fine, I had to give him 48 hours leave without pay for missing the second alarm as my aide last week.  As soon as he is finished cleaning the tile grout with a tooth brush and polishing all the brass, he will be back at the watch desk.
Apr 1, 2007
Steve, I thought Joe was gathering data for his upcoming book, "Albemarle County Firehouses and Fire Companies".  8) ::)
Dec 26, 2007
Belated Happy Birthday Steve! I hope that aide of yours did a good job buffing up the brass.
Jun 22, 2007
raybrag said:
Steve, I thought Joe was gathering data for his upcoming book, "Albemarle County Firehouses and Fire Companies".  8) ::)

Ray, that is an EXCELLENT IDEA. And maybe our friend "mack" is doing just that. I know that he has already told me some stories about being B/C "fltpara16" Aide. And YES, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to B/C Steve E., "fltpara16". Time to give serious consideration to joining your "UNEMPLOYED Senior Citizens Buddies like "fdce54".

Maybe, after "Well - Over ONE MILLION Views" of "FDNY Firehouse and Fire Companies", and another "130,00 - Plus Views" of the "FDNY Firehouse and Fire Companies - 2nd Section", it's time for "mack" to start another Firehouse and Fire Companies Story.

I never gave that a thought Ray, but you just might be onto something.