News of Members

Oct 26, 2007
Thanks for the birthday wishes.  As I begin my 58th trip around the sun, I have considered hanging up my helmet, but my son's college tuition bill is saying I need to keep turning out for another few years!

I am ready for Mack to start the new thread.  There has been plenty of work recently to start the first few pages!


Mar 5, 2007
On this day 41 Years ago one of the greatest joys of my life was born. Since then our son Thomas Bendick  has never ceased to amaze his mother and I. He got his love for the fire service from his grandfather and of course me. Most of his brains come from is mother.We are very proud of you.

Happy Birthday son.
Jul 14, 2007
Happy Birthday, Tom and thanks for all of your great work.  I actually have a son turning 43 today.
Jun 22, 2007
johnd248 said:
Happy Birthday, Tom and thanks for all of your great work.  I actually have a son turning 43 today.
jbendick said:
On this day 41 Years ago one of the greatest joys of my life was born. Since then our son Thomas Bendick  has never ceased to amaze his mother and I. He got his love for the fire service from his grandfather and of course me. Most of his brains come from is mother.We are very proud of you.

Happy Birthday son.

Happy Birthday to some GREAT GUYS, both Lts on the Fire Dept.

Both fathers, both named John, have very good reason to be very proud of their sons.
Apr 1, 2007
Happy Birthday to both of you, but especially to Tom.  This site is amazing, and has been for all of the years I've been accessing it, and occasionally offering my worthless 2 cents.  And I'm well aware that it is all due to you, Tom. THANK YOU
Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:

Thanks Brad, "signal 73".

The above photos feature site member "manhattan", aka Frank M, at the Veterans Day Ceremony in lower Manhattan which he has organized over the last few years. I believe these photos were from the Veterans Day Ceremony - November, 2017.

In the center photo is Frank M., as he talks to those in attendance to HONOR Our Military Veteran's.
Jun 15, 2012
Thoughts and Prayers for Our Friend Steve. God Bless Those Who Serve, Our Dedicated
Medical Professionals.
Jun 22, 2007
As some of you may already know from this "News and Events" Section of, the Backdraft II sequel was recently released.

But, did you know who the original cast was that had been selected to be the stars in Backdraft II following the original 1991 hit movie.

Apparently in the very early stages of the filming of Backdraft II, contract talks failed when these carefully selected cast members and management could NOT come to an agreement over royalties paid to these Five leading stars. These leading stars reported that with no clear cut agreement reached, ALL Five joined in unity and "Walked Off The Stage".

As a result, management decided to replace them with a couple of unknowns. Names like William Baldwin, who played Brian McCaffery, the brother of Steven "Bull" McCaffrey. Another Unknown was Donald Sutherland who played an accused arsonist still serving time in prison.

As it turns out, thanks to the professional photography work done by this site member, "mack", aka Joe M., he was able to catch an excellent photo of the original stars while filming before their contract walk out.

In this photo, you will see the original cast that was to be used in this new movie. All were carefully selected by management.

As regular visitors to this site, some of you may recognize their user names. Or you may even know these stars personally.

From left to right the original casting stars are:

Member "fdce54", aka Mr Frank D
Member "CFDMarshall", aka Mr Elwood E (aka The Rev)
Member "NFD2004", aka Willy D
Member "guitarman314", aka Tom E (aka "Gman")
Member "jbendick", aka John B. (Also Site Administrator)

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Jun 22, 2007
We have some very special news from site member Johnny D, aka "johnd248".

Late September and early October Johnny D will be doing Two Opera Performances of Pagliacci in Old Saybrook, Ct and Westerly, RI.

This year will be his 11th year in opera singing.

So with that said, Famous Opera Singer Samuel Ramey, you better move over because our Johnny D is on his way.

Here is Samuel Ramey at his very best singing "The Impossible Dream". Sammy, you better work a little harder than this if you want to try to out sing our man Mr Johnny D, aka "johnd248".
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Jul 14, 2007
Coincidence or not??  At 1AM on 9/7, Bridgeport (CT) operated at a working fire on Main Street where heavy fire was through the roof of a McDonalds.  Since Willy D is from Bridgeport, and has a definite fondness for Big Macs, I would imagine the Bridgeport Fire Marshals will be contacting Uncle Wilfred to see if he has an alibi for that time frame.  The fire went to an exterior attack and that it is not good for the Big Macs and fries.
Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:
John they also has back to back jobs

YES Folks, Signal 73 is correct. there were TWO ongoing jobs in that city. I can remember when that was NOT uncommon back in the late 70s and 1980s. Bridgeport followed the FDNY War Years, having their own set of War Years, as fires burned throughout the city.

johnd248 said:
Coincidence or not?? At 1AM on 9/7, Bridgeport (CT) operated at a working fire on Main Street where heavy fire was through the roof of a McDonalds. Since Willy D is from Bridgeport, and has a definite fondness for Big Macs, I would imagine the Bridgeport Fire Marshals will be contacting Uncle Wilfred to see if he has an alibi for that time frame. The fire went to an exterior attack and that it is not good for the Big Macs and fries.

Now referring to the post by my so called buddy, Johnny D, aka "johnd248". YES, there was a working fire at McDonalds in Bridgeport. Last night, while under the warm covers trying to keep warm from the cool early Fall chill, the phone lines "lite up". Both my cell phone and home phone. As I try to answer the numerous calls, "guys are telling me, Willy McDonalds is on fire".

Where, where ? "In Bridgeport they tell me". "What street in Bridgeport", I ask. There's several McDonalds in Bridgeport. All serving those nice juicy Big Mac Burgers smothered in that special sauce. Or get the entire meal, including your favorite soda and fries for a great deal. But which McDonalds is on fire. Surely without a doubt, in Bridgeport, McDonalds restaurants out numbers those OTHER Fast Food Places. With FOUR McDonalds that I know of in Bridgeport, verses only Two Burger Kings, Two Wendy's, One or two Popeye's, and get this - NO White Castles.

So as the calls come into the ole' homestead on both phones, I ask Where is the fire ? On what street ? In their moment of panic they tell me, "Main St, Main St". But which one on Main St ? The one on Main St in Downtown Bridgeport or the one in the north end on Main St in Bridgeport ?

I finally get the correct information. The fire is at the McDonalds on Main St in the north end on the 4400 block of Main St and NOT downtown Main St.

Basically, the 4400 Main St McDonalds does not present a significant exposure problem and has a large parking lot. On the other hand, had that fire been at McDonalds at the downtown Main St/John St location, things could have been much worse from a firefighters perspective.

But as it stands, until that fire damaged McDonalds is repaired, the City of Bridgeport's North end residents are at a loss.

Another GREAT Job done by the Park City's Bravest - members of the Bridgeport Fire Dept after a busy night and also those 911 Dispatchers that took those calls. I had just a small sample of what it must have been like answering those phones.

So lets hear it for Bridgeport's Bravest and those Park City 911 Emergency Dispatchers.
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