News of Members

Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:
Willy D asked me to post this photo

My Special Thanks of course to Brad Young, aka "signal 73" for posting the above photo for me. He has NEVER let me down and I sure appreciate what he does for me. Besides posting so many rundowns, etc for ALL of us on this site.

I wanted to pass on this photo to the members of this web site. Each individual in the photo has played a key part in the success story of this web site. For me, it is an HONOR to consider them some of my Best Friends.

From left to right:

Retired FDNY Firefighter Dan Potter, aka "Johnny Gage". Dan joined this site in April, 2018 and his EXCELLENT work and effort in presenting "Glory Days", "Throwback Thursdays" and "Vintage FDNY War Lids" combined, has certainly caught the interest of many of us members and guest here. His excellent writing skills, collector photos from the past, could be without a doubt "a Best Seller" in each of the Three separate topics. 

Together in less than TWO Years, the combined views have reached over 466,000. The breakdown is as follows:
Glory Days - over 174,000
Throwback Thursdays - over 52,000
Vintage FDNY War Lids - 240,000

Next from left individual some of you know him. Mr Frank Donohue, aka "fdce54". Frank and I are very good friends despite what you might read on here. As a young guy Frank grew up in the South Bronx at a time when things were hitting a peak for the FDNY War Years. As a kid growing up on 155th St, then to Clay Ave, followed by Sedgewick Ave/Valentine Ave (?), no doubt he has seen his share of activity.

With the FDNY layoffs and closing of companies in the 1970s, Frank decided it was best for him to get a job with Con Edison, which he successfully did. Working within the Gas Division he continued to serve the citizens of the very dangerous South Bronx area, mostly operating alone in some of those apartment buildings. One time when he came out of one of those buildings on Hunts Point Ave, three undercover Anti Crime Cops approached him and said: "You went in there alone" ? When we go in, there's Three of us and we carry guns. When the FDNY goes in there they carry heavy tools and there's Twelve of them.

To quote those three Anti Crime Cops they said this to Frank: "The NYPD is the Finest, The FDNY is the Bravest, BUT Con Edison is the F###ing Craziest". 

Frank later became a Con Edison Supervisor for the entire Westchester County, NY and I understand he was well liked and appreciated by the workers under his command.

The next photo is NOT Santa Clause. It is Our Most Valuable Player on this site. His name is Mike Dick, aka "mikeindabronx". With his over 24,000 posts here you can certainly understand why he is considered Our Most Valuable Player. Mike is also a Professional Photographer who dedicated seven years to fire photography during which his main focus was in Harlem and the South Bronx. Together with his EXCELLENT Photos and a text written by Lt Thomas Berry, Ladder 42 (Retired), together they came out with a very popular best seller book in 1987 titled: "New York's Bravest - Their Lives on the Line". That book is No Longer available and I've seen "used copies" listed for over $200.00

The photo on the far right is of this sites owner, Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick. John, a Viet Nam Veteran, became a firefighter in 1968, just as the FDNY War Years were beginning. He began as a Probationary Firefighter in Engine 96. Then assigned to Squad 2, operating out of Engines 73, 82 and 85, some of the "busiest companies at the time". With the closing of Squad 2, he was then transferred to the quarters of Engine 75/Ladder 33/Battalion 19, just as the arson plague was beginning to start in that neighborhood putting those West Bronx Companies at the top of the list for "Runs and Workers". He spent time on the step of Engine 75 as well as Battalion 19 Aide.

Later John was promoted to Lt where he served on Engine 68, also in the West Bronx area. Then being promoted to Captain it was quite a different scenery from what he was used to. He was transferred to the Heart of Manhattan, Engine 23 where he retired from.

John attended Probie school with another quite popular and very well respected member on this site. That member being Retired Battalion Chief Jack Kleehaas, aka "68jk09".

I've also heard that he attended Captain Class Training at "The Rock" with site member, Retired FDNY Captain Dan Keenan, aka "8060rock", who became the First Captain in the FDNY to become the boss at the FDNY Training Academy.

These are just a few of some of the guys and a tiny bit of some of their stories. There are so many more stories to tell here about so many different individuals from the FDNY, FDNY/EMS, Dispatchers, as well as other firefighters, buffs etc.

So "I guess if you're into it, this is the place to be".   
Jun 22, 2007
Today, February 22nd we don't only celebrate George Washington's Birthday, the First President of the United States, BUT also one of our frequent contributors and senior members of this site. He calls himself "Raybrag", formerly of NYC and now living in Newport News, Va.

Ray B., a retired high ranking U.S. Air Force Commander is a good friend to many on this site. He's probably the Top Scorer when it comes to those bonus questions on Johnny Gages, "Throwback Thursday" topics.

Some of you may ask: "How old is Ray today" ?

Well judging by his many correct answers, looking way back in time; "Ray's got to be pretty old".

But for us guys here that know him, "I'm sure he can still get in the ring with the Best of Them".


Apr 1, 2007
Thanx, guys.  I'm 78 today, Willy . . . but feel 37, so maybe these posts belong in "History"? ;)
Dec 26, 2007
Happy Birthday Ray! I thought Willy was implying you were as old as George Washington there for a moment but at least you're not as old or senile as Willy
Apr 1, 2007
Almost as old as GW, Frank . . . and on the same day.  It was nice growing up to have my birthday be a holiday . . . until the powers that be decided that both George and Abe were born on a Monday. ::)
Apr 1, 2007
Thanks, guys. two benefits of being this age ; All my new friends and acquaintances have the same last name: Ologist. And I get LOTS of birthday wishes from hospitals, medical offices and pharmacists.???
Jun 22, 2007
We welcome back home Administrator, Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick and his wife Madeline. The Mrs did all the driving, round trip, from Yonkers, NY to just outside of Miami, Fla where they went to visit members of the family, including three of their grandchildren. One being the latest member.

BUT....."there's more".

Hearing about the Birthday of my good buff buddy, 96 year old Ken Kelly (see Our Military thread), Kenny and I were invited to join them for a Pepes Pizza in Yonkers.
John and Madeline hadn't even gotten home yet when they meet us there. We were also joined by other members of the family.

But....."wait there's even more".

After the Pizza Birthday Party, they invited us over the house for coffee before driving back to Connecticut. To our SURPRISE was a Birthday cake with candles and everybody sang Happy Birthday to Kenny on his 96th Birthday Celebration.

Driving on the way home, Kenny told me "this was one of the BEST Birthdays he ever had".

Thank you to all those who sent Kenny a Happy Birthday card and of course Thank you to the Bendick Family for making my ole' Buff Buddy's 96th Birthday so SPECIAL.