News of Members

Jan 20, 2014
Willy D asked me to post this

Frank Donahue, aka ?fdce54? is on the right

Declan Byrne, aka ?Irish? is in the center

Jun 22, 2007
I am very happy to report that this site administrator, Retired FDNY Captain John Bendicks surgery went very well and he is in recovery as of 20:45 hours.

A great job done thanks to the doctors and nurses of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. 
Jun 22, 2007
Good to see "nfdcanman", aka Mark S., recently on here posting in the EMS Section.

A Lt from my old alumni there in Connecticut. "The Spark" as he is known there, "nfdcanman" here, has about 15-16 years on the job.

I think he's part of the Urban Search & Rescue team, a Haz Mat Tech, and he's a good overall guy that's into the job.
Jun 22, 2007
nfd2004 said:
nfd2004 said:
nfd2004 said:
Member Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385", wanted me to pass on to the members here that he has been in the hospital for a medical condition for about the last three weeks. He is currently in a rehab center in New Jersey.

Some of us know Steve from a couple of Get Togethers where we visited Staten Island and Far Rockaway Queens. It was shortly after storm Sandy, as we saw the damage that was caused.

Steve grew up in the Bronx (Throgs Neck - I think) and was an Auxiliary Firefighter with Engine 96. He wanted me to pass onto the membership how much he enjoys this site but he is unable to go on it right now because he does not have use of the internet at the rehab center.

He has talked about the friendships he has acquired since becoming a member here and Steve asked me to pass this on. I myself can relate to that as well.

In talking with Steve about his medical condition, I think there could be some concern, and of course we wish our good friend, site member Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385", all the best.

Update on site member Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385".

Steve is still in the hospital. But talking to him he seems to be in pretty good spirits. He tells us that he has been in every unit in the hospital, except the Maternity Unit.

Steve has two grown sons and two daughters. He tells me that whenever one of his sons comes to visit him, he brings in a lap top computer and that's when Steve tries to catch up on what's going on here. He tells me he enjoys reading Glory Days, the FDNY Firehouse and Fire Companies stories, as well as catching up on some of the latest jobs.

He has also asked about some of the guys he knows from here.

I think credit must also go to the doctors and nurses who have been treating him. Over the years, the medical field has apparently made some huge strides and Steve seems to be an example of that.

This evening, Saturday October 5th, I talked to Steve Delaunay, aka "svd385". He seems to be doing well and he told me that he expects to be going home in about two weeks. He is going through physical therapy now and needs to be able to do a couple more things on his own before he gets the okay to leave. He recently bought a used handicapped van and a hospital bed.

Steve has been in a New Brunswick, NJ rehab center recovering from his cancer issues. He tells me he is still considered a Stage 4 cancer patient.

He told me that he sometimes gets to go to his sons house where he gets a chance to check out this site and catch up with what is going on.

Steve gave me the okay to post his story and I'm very happy that he seems to be doing better. Some of the guys here know him from a couple of Get Together's we had. Steve was also an Auxiliary Firefighter many years ago with the FDNY. 

Let me also add. Shortly after posting Steve's story he contacted me on "facetime" (I think that's what it's called), where we could see and talk to each other. Steve has a beard like Santa Clause but he really looks good. It was GREAT to see and talk to him.

Steve Delaunay contacted me this evening, Tuesday, October 28th. Although he sounded great, Steve is now receiving Hospice care at his home.

Talking to him it's hard to believe he is so ill.

Several of the members here know Steve from a couple of times when we got together a few years ago.

I asked Steve if he wanted me to pass this onto the guys on the site and he said it is okay.

I hope that we all will remember this good man, Steve Delaunay, "svd385", in our prayers. Steve is 68 years old. 
Jun 27, 2017
This documentary is limited to the bias and viewpoint of a few involved people. For a wider understanding read Robert Caro's biography of Robert Moses....particularly the building of the Cross Bronx Expressway and Lincoln Center in Manhattan. If you want to vilify John O'Hagan, at least read Fire Department Deployment Analysis by the Rand Corporation. Fifty years later, I think this was the first attempt at using megadata and artificial intelligence.....way ahead of it's time.
May 6, 2010
^^^^^ As far as john t o'hagen & also the rand corporation i agree they were both artificial but lacked the word intelligence .....both did more to destroy the FDNY than anybody before or after.
Jun 22, 2007
Lebby said:
mack said:
nfd2004 said:
In your News of Member Series, I would like to introduce the members of to Philip D., aka "Lebby".

Philip D., aka "Lebby", had been a volunteer firefighter in New Jersey and Maryland since he was 14 years old, starting as a Junior Firefighter and rising to EMS Captain.

"Lebby" worked for Rutgers University Emergency Services for about a year and a half, then moved on to work for University Hospital EMS in Newark. (I've seen for myself, is a very busy place).

Last year he again made a career switch to the FDNY/EMS. He hopes to become a firefighter in the FDNY.

He is currently assigned to EMS Station 16, in the 16th Battalion (Harlem).

He has been a buff of the FDNY since he first got started in the fire service, but recently also got into buffing Newark.

Philip, aka "Lebby", says he ran across this site before he got on the department, but has only become active recently with information to add.

"Lebby" says: "It's been a pleasure to read and learn from everyone's knowledge and experience".

Well Philip, aka "Lebby", it's been a pleasure to learn and read from "YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE" too. In fact the discussion has come up of how we would like to have more members of the FDNY/EMS share their stories with us as well.

I appreciate having you here with us, as I'm sure so many others do as well.

No doubt, you have helped thousands of people, whether it be in NYC, Newark, and New Jersey/Maryland.

Personally, in my travels and during my buff years, I have seen the kind of work that members of University Hospital EMS in Newark and members of FDNY/EMS Station 16 (Harlem) have done.

It is an HONOR to have you with us and I certainly admire you and appreciate the kind of work that "you" and "your brother and sisters" do for ALL OF US.

Philip, after others here read your story, I have a feeling that I am probably NOT the only one who feels that way either. 

Philip - Welcome - glad you are a member and appreciate what you do.

Thank you for the warm welcome. I appreciate your sentiment, but as Chief Croker said it's "...all in the line of work."

I would like to say THANK YOU once again to Philip D, aka "Lebby", for his contributions to this site. Particularly with the FDNY/EMS and also the Newark area.

As quoted above, I think his resume speaks for itself. The kind of guy that makes all of us here very proud.

Philip, I believe that you had mentioned that you had once worked with Retired FDNY Lt Gary Howards son. Lt Howard is a good friend to many of us here. Recently I had the honor of meeting his sons at the "Going Away Party" as Rescue 2 prepares to move into their new quarters. I know that two of his sons are on the fire dept., one FDNY and the other in New Jersey.

Maybe you can tell us a little bit about that. 
Feb 27, 2015
Yes. I worked with Gary Howard Jr. at University Hospital, he also works as an EMT for the North Plainfield Fire Department as well as being a accomplished photographer. His brother I believe Eric, is a member of Ladder 4, as well as being the co-owner of a bar/ restaurant in downtown Manhattan.
Jun 22, 2007
Regarding the above donation.

A check for $100.00 has been sent to the Port Authority PBA Widows and Children's Fund.

In addition to that, a total of $350.00 has been sent to the FDNY Transport Foundation

All in appreciation for a group Get Together comprised of a few members of this web site on October 8th and 9th.

Special thanks goes to the members of;

FDNY Squad Co 8
FDNY Engine 88/Ladder 38
FDNY Engine 48/Ladder 56/Division 7
FDNY Engine 216/Ladder 108/Battalion 35
Port Authority PD Fire Station @ LaGuardia Airport

We would also like to express our appreciation to the following individuals:

Retired FDNY B/C Jack Kleehaas, "68jk09" on this site
Retired FDNY Firefighter Dan Potter, "Johnny Gage" on this site
Retired US Army Colonel Joe Materia,"mack" on this site
Retired FDNY B/C Steve Ternlund - Battalion 41
Retired FDNY Lt Dave Russell - now Captain, Port Authority LaGuardia Fire Station
FDNY Deputy Chief Jay Jonas - Division 7

Of course, Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick, "jbendick" and his son, FDNY Lt Tommy Bendick "tbendick", who started it all.

As the Senior Man of that group - THANK YOU ALL and we wish you a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday.

Willy D (NFD2004)
Jan 20, 2014
nfd2004 said:
Is that our own "Signal 73", aka Brad Young, wearing that dark blue sweatshirt and white shorts at a job in New Haven on 12/1/19 ?

Looks like it to me.

Camera puts on 50 pounds that?s for sure
Jan 20, 2014
Willy D asked me to post this

John B and his wonderful wife came up to visit Uncle Wilfred recently at the old homestead in Connecticut

Uncle Willy took them for a real Country Breakfast not too far from Willy?s Homestead Mansion

Jun 22, 2007
nfd2004 said:
Regarding the above donation.

A check for $100.00 has been sent to the Port Authority PBA Widows and Children's Fund.

In addition to that, a total of $350.00 has been sent to the FDNY Transport Foundation

All in appreciation for a group Get Together comprised of a few members of this web site on October 8th and 9th.

Special thanks goes to the members of;

FDNY Squad Co 8
FDNY Engine 88/Ladder 38
FDNY Engine 48/Ladder 56/Division 7
FDNY Engine 216/Ladder 108/Battalion 35
Port Authority PD Fire Station @ LaGuardia Airport

We would also like to express our appreciation to the following individuals:

Retired FDNY B/C Jack Kleehaas, "68jk09" on this site
Retired FDNY Firefighter Dan Potter, "Johnny Gage" on this site
Retired US Army Colonel Joe Materia,"mack" on this site
Retired FDNY B/C Steve Ternlund - Battalion 41
Retired FDNY Lt Dave Russell - now Captain, Port Authority LaGuardia Fire Station
FDNY Deputy Chief Jay Jonas - Division 7

Of course, Retired FDNY Captain John Bendick, "jbendick" and his son, FDNY Lt Tommy Bendick "tbendick", who started it all.

As the Senior Man of that group - THANK YOU ALL and we wish you a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday.

Willy D (NFD2004)
Signal73 said:
Will D asked me to post this in regards to post number #1280

THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN BRAD for your help and expertise when I needed it.

Regarding the above letter, special thanks to members: Joe Materia - aka "mack", Declan Byrne - aka "Irish", Frank Donohue - aka "fdce54", and Steve Elloit, aka - "fltpara16", for reaching into their pockets in appreciation for the tour they (we - NFD2004, aka Willy) were given at the Port Authority PD LaGuardia Fire Dept, under the command of Capt Dave Russell (retired FDNY). 

For me, I also had the honor of meeting for the first time, Dave Russell Jr, whose father was the Chief of Department in Fairfield, Ct.

During the 1970s, the late Chief Dave Russell Sr was a career captain during the time both myself, my brother, and "johnd248", served as volunteer firefighters. The late Chief Dave Russell Sr is credited with making several improvements and the development of a regional training academy, as well improving the training of firefighters throughout the State of Connecticut.

I "think" his son, Dave Russell Jr, now PAPD Fire Captain, served as a firefighter in Engine 277, Squad 41 and Lt Engine 62. 
Apr 23, 2018
^^^^^^^Worked with Dave when he was a FF in E 277. Photo of a snotty JohnnyGage and Dave after a snotty job. (Early 90's)

Jan 20, 2014
Willy D asked me to post this

It?s John Bendicks wife, daughter and 11 of his grand kids having some Pepes Pizza recently

Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:
Willy D asked me to post this

It?s John Bendicks wife, daughter and 11 of his grand kids having some Pepes Pizza recently

Thanks Brad.

As we can see not much room left for the rest of the family as they enjoy some pizza at one of their favorite places, Pepe's in Yonkers.

Latest total count for Gandpa Bendick is:
15 grandchildren
  2 great grandchildren
  1 great grandchild - on the way

Sitting at the far end of the table is John T, FDNY/EMS Bronx
Jun 22, 2007
Good to see Frank M., aka "manhattan", back with us in his latest post in the "Miracle on the Hudson" story.

Frank has certainly been a good guy to me and I can tell you that he is well respected by the members of the NYPD and FDNY in his neighborhood.

You may remember that Frank organizes a Veterans Day event every year at the Veterans Memorial on 9th Ave and 27th St (?).
