Engine 302/Ladder 155 (cont)
Engine 302/Ladder 155 - Queens Box 22-8897 9/8/17:
NYC Firenet
0337 hrs...Initial report of children trapped... 302/155 First Due...0340 hrs BN*51 has the Fire..164 acting 158 FAST (158 Original was at All Hands 4698)....0342 hrs BN*51 orders extra E & T 317 (w/CFRD Equipment to the front of the bldg) & 126 ..0345 hrs AH DWH two 10-45 no codes....0350 hrs DV*13 orders a Second Alarm..... 0401 hrs update on the 10-45s..one code 2 & one code 3...0403 hrs PWH but Secondaries will be delayed due to heavy clutter..... 0408 hrs 10-41-1 by DV*13 for heavy Fire on arrival....0452 hrs DV*13 requesting an updated response on the Fire Marshals ....QNS reporting momentarily. 68jk09
"FDNY Facebook":
?We had reports of children trapped upstairs and there was heavy fire pushing out on the first floor when we arrived. We heard screaming so my members quickly made a push up the interior stairs past the fire on the first floor. We all split up to search and I found them hunkered down behind a closed door in the middle room. Once I found them, I transmitted a 10-45 (a signal that is given immediately upon the discovery of a patient with fire-related injuries) and with the help of Engine 302, who knocked down the fire and proceeded up to assist, we made our way out the house safely with the patients,? says FDNY Lieutenant Brendan Corrigan, Ladder 155, who rescued multiple patients from a 2-alarm fire at 123-60 147 Street in Queens today. Lieutenant Corrigan credits the efficient and aggressive fire tactics utilized by the Engine and Ladder companies simultaneously in his ability to search for life in the burning building, ?Everyone was hands on in getting the patients out and they were all where they were supposed to be. The Engine was paramount in this operation because they aggressively knocked down the fire allowing us to bring them out safely. We split up and then came together when the patients were found and we all worked together in getting them out.?
NYC Firenet
0337 hrs...Initial report of children trapped... 302/155 First Due...0340 hrs BN*51 has the Fire..164 acting 158 FAST (158 Original was at All Hands 4698)....0342 hrs BN*51 orders extra E & T 317 (w/CFRD Equipment to the front of the bldg) & 126 ..0345 hrs AH DWH two 10-45 no codes....0350 hrs DV*13 orders a Second Alarm..... 0401 hrs update on the 10-45s..one code 2 & one code 3...0403 hrs PWH but Secondaries will be delayed due to heavy clutter..... 0408 hrs 10-41-1 by DV*13 for heavy Fire on arrival....0452 hrs DV*13 requesting an updated response on the Fire Marshals ....QNS reporting momentarily.
SEP 8 2017 For their heroic actions, Engine 302 Lt. Damato, and Firefighters Christopher M. Armstrong, Christopher Cavalcante, James R. Terry, and Kerron V. Ware, will be awarded the Lt. James Curran/New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal. Lt. Corrigan will be awarded the Hispanic Society/23rd Street Fire Memorial Medal of Valor, Firefighter Ackerman will be awarded the Fire Chiefs Association Memorial Medal, and Firefighter McManus will be awarded the Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia Medal."
Queens Chronicle by Michael Gannon June 14, 2018
"FDNY honors Queens heroes on Medal Day - Commissioner and mayor celebrate the bravest of New York?s Bravest
by Michael Gannon, Editor Jun 14, 2018"

Engine Co. 302, half of the Vipers Nest station on Rockaway Boulevard in South Jamaica.
The FDNY honored 16 of its members who are either assigned to or live in Queens at its annual Medal Day ceremony on June 6. All citations were provided by the FDNY.
Last Sept. 8, Engine Company 302 and Ladder Co. 155 of South Jamaica were greeted upon their arrival by a woodframe house with its first story fully engulfed with flames ? and a terrified mother telling them her three children were trapped on the second floor.
Ladder 155?s rescue team tried to enter as Lt. Gregory Damato?s team from 302 set up hose lines but was forced to fall back.
Using booster water while hoses were readied, Damato?s group of Christopher Armstrong, Christopher Cavalcante, James Terry and Kerron Ware swept the front of the building, fought their way inside and opened a gap just large enough for Ladder 155 to charge through.
Lt. J. Brendan Corrigan left a man at the foot of the steps. He and Firefighter Mark Ackerman were forced by heat and flames to crawl. They followed the screams of the trapped girls inching their way upstairs.
Fire and parked vehicles left Firefighter Gerard McManus with one option for entering by ladder to assist ? through a second floor window leading to the staircase landing, where he and another firefighter would be exposed to fire beneath them and on all sides.
Corrigan located the girls huddled together. The only way out was the way he and Ackerman came in. The girl panicked as Ackerman, shielding her from the flames, started down the stairs; in her struggling she knocked off his breathing mask, though he was able to get her out. By this time McManus joined the group and took a second victim to the stairs.
Engine 302 steadily gained the upper hand and began its attack on the second floor. Damato directed Terry to assist 155 with the evacuations. Corrigan got the last victim out.
Engine Co. 302 received the Lt. James B. Curran/New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal, which is awarded to units. Ackerman received the Fire Chiefs Association Memorial Medal, while McManus got the Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia Medal; and Corrigan the Hispanic Society/23rd Street Fire Memorial Medal of Valor.
Fire 2017 FDNY June 6, 2018
At approximately 3:30 am on a September 8, 2017, FDNY Ladder 155 and Engine 302 arrived first due to a heavy fire in a private dwelling. A mother ran to Lt. Brendan Corrigan, Ladder 155, and said her three children were trapped inside. Engine 302 immediately started water on the fire, using booster water from their engine. They aggressively pushed forward into the first floor, battling heavy fire to allow Lt. Corrigan to chase the screams of trapped children on the second floor. In zero visibility inside a rapidly deteriorating fire, Lt. Corrigan located the three sisters huddled together. Firefighter Mark E. Ackerman, L 155, followed Lt. Corrigan to the second floor. Forced to crawl up the stairs due to the extreme heat, FF Ackerman pressed forward, and joined Lt. Corrigan. They each removed an individual from the fire, using their bodies as shields as E 302 aggressively extinguished the fire. Firefighter Gerard P. McManus, L 155, brought a portable ladder to the only accessible window on the side of the building. Entering through the window would put him in a dangerous position, exposed and above the fire while trying to located trapped occupants. Once inside, he made contact with Lt. Corrigan, and carried the third girl down the interior stairs to safety. As members from E 302 advanced forward, Lt. Greg Damato instructed his members to assist Ladder 155 with the removal of the three individuals. Once every trapped occupant was safely removed, the members of 302 re-entered the building and continued to extinguish fire. Heroically, they advanced forward to protect a member of Ladder 155 who was operating in the attic above. For their heroic actions, Engine 302 Lt. Damato, and Firefighters Christopher M. Armstrong, Christopher Cavalcante, James R. Terry, and Kerron V. Ware, will be awarded the Lt. James Curran/New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal. Lt. Corrigan will be awarded the Hispanic Society/23rd Street Fire Memorial Medal of Valor, Firefighter Ackerman will be awarded the Fire Chiefs Association Memorial Medal, and Firefighter McManus will be awarded the Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia Medal.
2018 New York?s Bravest Awards Dinner:
FDNY Engine 302 FDNY Ladder 155
At a fire both the engine and truck are needed to extinguish the flames and make rescues of trapped people. If the fire is advanced, the engine has to knock down the flames before the truck can begin its search. On September 8, 2017 at 0334 hours, Engine Co. 302 and Ladder Co. 155 ?the Vipers Nest? were directed to respond first due for a report of smoke at 123-60 147th Street in Queens. As Engine Co. 302 reached the corner of 147th Street the company saw heavy fire coming out of the front window of a house half way down the block. The fire was in a 2-? story peaked roof private dwelling and was also venting from the exposure 2 and 4 sides. A frantic woman at the front gate informed the members that her three kids were trapped on the 2nd floor. LT. Brendan Corrigan of Ladder Co. 155 transmitted that information over the radio to make all members aware of the urgency of the situation. The fire had extended to the exterior siding and was consuming the outside of the house and was auto exposing to the second floor via the front and side windows. The fire was also extending to the siding of exposure 2. The intense fire prevented the members of Ladder 155 from initially entering the house. FF. James Hurson, the roof firefighter, surveyed all sides of the fire building and found only one second story window with which to place a portable ladder because of three cars on the exposure 2 side and rear yard. FF. Hurson forced the side door and determined that there was no fire in the basement and transmitted that information to LT. Corrigan. FF. Hurson informed FF. Gerard McManus, the outside vent firefighter of Ladder 155, to bring a 24-foot extension ladder to the exposure 4 side. They climbed the ladder to the second floor hallway into difficult conditions.
Once the nozzle team of Engine Co. 302 was ready to begin its attack, LT. Gregory Damato ordered the ECC Christopher Cavalcante to start water. The rig was not yet connected to a hydrant, so FF. Cavalcante supplied booster water while finishing the hookup. LT. Damato informed the nozzle firefighter Kerron Ware to sweep the front of the house and exposure 2 to limit the amount of heat and fire that was auto exposing the 2nd floor. After knocking down the heavy fire on the exterior, Engine Co. 302 made an aggressive push into the first floor and quickly advanced through the clutter while knocking down the heavy fire. This allowed LT. Corrigan and FF. Mark Ackerman, the irons firefighters of Ladder 155, to crawl to the second floor through high heat and zero visibility to search for the trapped occupants. LT. Corrigan ordered FF. Ted Parente, the can firefighter, to remain at the base of the stairs to monitor conditions. LT. Corrigan heard cries for help. Engine Co. 302, which was still on booster water, continued to advance deeper into the first floor where there was a room in the rear that was on fire. LT. Corrigan and FF. Ackerman split up and LT. Corrigan quickly found two of the three sisters in the middle bedroom. As LT. Corrigan was removing one of the victims, he located the third victim and informed FF. McManus.
As the engine made the rear room FF. Cavalcante informed the officer that the company was now on hydrant water. LT. Damato dropped back on the hoseline to make sure that the fire had not flared up behind the company. At the base of the stairs LT. Damato heard FF. Ackerman struggling to remove one of the 10-45s from the second floor. LT. Damato instructed his control firefighter, James Terry, who was detailed from Ladder Co. 158 to assist FF. Ackerman with the removal. LT. Damato returned to his nozzle team, and since the fire was knocked down, had FF. Ware and FF. Christopher Armstrong, the backup firefighter, bring the hoseline to the base of the stairs to the second floor. The advancement was delayed because LT. Corrigan was in the process of removing a victim down the stairs. LT. Damato ordered FF. Armstrong to assist with the removal of the victim. Once the stairs were clear LT. Damato ascended the stairs on his hands and knees due to the high heat to assess the fire conditions before committing the line upstairs due to only having FF. Ware on the line. Engine Co. 302 decided to bring the hoseline to the second floor because there was fire on the second floor. A second hoseline was not available, and Ladder 155 was upstairs removing victims in difficult conditions without the protection of a hoseline. As LT. Damato reached the second floor, he saw FF. McManus having difficulty removing an unconscious victim who was caught in debris. The fire had extended from the front bedroom into the second floor hallway. LT. Damato assisted FF. McManus in freeing the victim so she could be removed down the stairs. Once the stairs were clear, FF. Ware started to aggressively advance the hoseline to the second floor by himself while FF. Cavalcante pushed the line in at the front door. When FF. Ware reached the second floor, FF. Armstrong and FF. Terry reentered the house and resumed their positions on the hoseline. The hoseline was then advanced on the second floor to extinguish the fire in the front room. Matt Wilkinson, the chauffeur of Ladder 155, completed a primary search of that room and then went to the attic to assess conditions and conduct a search. A short time later Battalion Chief Robert Bohack of Battalion 51 reported that heavy black smoke was issuing under pressure from the attic, and he ordered members out of the attic. LT. Damato informed BC Bohack that the engine would advance the hoseline into the attic to protect FF. Wilkinson and extinguish the fire. When the members reached the attic they were met with fire and high heat.
By now the members were physically exhausted, but they pushed on and found the energy to advance into the cluttered attic and put out another room of fire. Once the attic was extinguished, high heat remained because the exterior siding was still on fire. The nozzle team of Engine Co. 302 leaned out the window to extinguish the fire. At this time LT. Damato realized that the vibralerts of his members were going off. BC Bohack provided relief for Engine Co. 302 and they exited the building.
For acting in the highest tradition of the FDNY, with combined actions in extinguishing a heavy fire on multiple floors and rescuing three people from a private dwelling, the fire officers and members of Engine Co. 302 and Ladder Co. 155 are being honored tonight.
Queens Box 22-8897 Rundown:
0337 - E-302 - 10-75 the box. Fire on the 1st floor of a 2 1/2 story PD.
All Hands:
E-302, 275, 303, 308, 317 s/c
L-155, 133, 164 act. 158F, 126 s/c
B-51, 54
2nd Alarm:
E-298, 285, 314
B-50 FF, 39 RUL, 46 Safety
SB, RB, FC, FCB, Tac 2
E-324 w/ Sat. 4
E-263 Communications