116ff60 said:
4 Truck, My Ladder Company in the City of Pittsburgh is the one that runs about 700 runs per year. We did have a Ferrara rear mount ladder that we recieved in 2000! It was out of service more then it was in. The 4 Ferrara Ladders that the my Department had were replced in 2009 and the Ferrara ladders were taken off the roster and sold at auction. After 9 years these rigs were not even reliable enough to be used as spares. If that was the case in my Department I feel sorry for you guys. But as it was said give them a chance to see some action befor we judge.
I think it was I who said, "give them a chance". Still, your experience doesn't bode well for their longevity. However, don't forget that these are a completely new design and chassis from the ground up. Who knows, maybe they'll get it right.
4 Truck hasn't gotten theirs yet? Have they given you guys a heads up about when it might come? We've had a '94 spare for months now, actually, most of this year. While it does have windows.....you have to keep them open or else the exhaust gas leaking through the engine cover will kill everyone in the cab...

Seriously, we had a little job last week and a cop came over and said, "I think your truck is on fire". That's how much smoke is constantly pouring out of that thing.